Hello Everyone todays I wanted to present you my script it allows to vote for the presidential election the script not yet released my it will leave soon
sorry for my english
Screen :
Hello Everyone todays I wanted to present you my script it allows to vote for the presidential election the script not yet released my it will leave soon
sorry for my english
Screen :
Hi Nice good job men
Hello thanks to you =D <3
great job nice …
thanks you my friend
Everybody said thanks, but there is no link, no acute on the “Présidentiel”…
What a nice boosting !
nice looking script cant wit for it to come out and test it on my server
Cool this script! It will help all its! When is a sharing?
How to work “gouvenement” job ?
where is the download link
It’s a preview… Read title
Not hating on your English but here you go:
Hello Everyone. today I want to present my script to you. It allows you to vote who will be elected to be president in your server. (President script isn’t released yet)
I don’really understand the purpose of “previews”. None (maybe few) make release after that. A lot more, just do this to be congratulated. Dude, that’just pixels
What the case for this ? Are you going tho share it or it’s just a : “Oh !! See what i have done” ?
is that a parking machine?
Nice work, when will you release it?
Can t wait omg, can you tease more us about this pretty sexy thing ?
ow nice, i’m very impatient ! epikkness
Good job guy ! =) its very good script for rp release please guy =)
Moved to discussion. This is not a release.
When you release it ?