I wanted to use it without a Framework…
that is pretty easy to do if you know a little bit coding
One simply question, does your script include a selling point for the items??
Is there any chance if you could add where if a player dies or stays inside vault after the countdown, they lose all the dirty money they got from the robbery because players could just stay inside and kill themselves as they already have the dirty money with them.
Also, sometimes when a player stays inside the vault, they randomly fall off and go under the map, resulting spawning in another place.
if they die, they lose money, it’s an esx thing
I know, but there’s an option to have cash removed after death on es extended . Some servers prefer to still have the cash after death. Would be nice if there was an option for this robbery.
how would you sell the gold bars or diamonds?
i suggest getting the pawn shop script
My ped freezes always when I’m trying to use thermal? Any fix?
How i can change cooldown to start gas to the robbers get more time to grab the loot
I have a problem when i put thermal Charge on door in general, the animation does not want to be interrupted, it just boils and the progress bar has already come to an end
Hi ! Somenone know why my vault door dont appear ?
Any error? If you have anti-cheat and anti props are enabled, make sure you whitelist all the props used in this script.
Hello guys, I’m Alex, i have big problem, i try to roll back the project when i secure this script work normally, but nothing, is all the same, database, version, server, all the same , but the problem is when i cklick on bruteforce icon in the hakcking laptop, or in connector, nothing is opened… no errors nothing, other way with card work normally, but i really can’t understand where is the problem, try to roll back the ctx version to the default one, when all work fine, but nithing… I can only think that the problem is on the client or gta side, that it doesn’t work with the new version, I don’t know, 2 months ago everything worked, and today with the same versions, on the server side the hacking part doesn’t work, to someone else did this problem happen? Please help me, thank you, Cheers
Fixxed by creator: “utkuali”
instead of: “if GetScaleformMovieFunctionReturnBool(ClickReturn) then”
change with: “if IsScaleformMovieMethodReturnValueReady(ClickReturn) then”
Did anyone figure out how to fix the freezing issue after using a Thermal charge/using a lockpick to start the heist?