[Paid] Post Office [ESX/QB]

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:crystal_ball: Features

With this resource, players can get parcels on their account that they can find and open in the Post Office.

Parcels can be received in 2 ways:

  • Via command (/addparcel) that can be used only by Administrators, and when sent via command, sender will be “Administrator” (can be changed)
  • Via export.

Export can be used anywhere, but player’s identifier has to be defined.

exports.id_postoffice:addParcel(identifier, sender, reward type, reward, reward amount)

  • Identifier - player’s identifier that is used in database (users/players table)
  • Sender - the name of the sender sending the package (Administrator, Farming Job, Office, etc…)
  • Reward Type - the type of reward that can be sent to the parcel (money, item or vehicle, can be added more types)
  • Reward - the type of money that is given via parcel (money, bank or black_money), the name of the item that is given or the name (model) of the vehicle
  • Reward Amount - the amount of money that is given in the parcel, quantity of items or number of vehicles given

Each parcel that is sent contains its own date of sending, which remains the same forever from the day of sending, and is shown in the menu.

After the parcel is opened, it is forever deleted from the database and the user’s post office


exports.id_postoffice:addParcel(xPlayer.identifier, 'Farming Job', 'money', 'bank', 10000) - 10,000$ will be added to player’s bank account

exports.id_postoffice:addParcel(xPlayer.identifier, 'Farming Job', 'item', 'bread', 5) - 5x bread will be added to player’s inventory

exports.id_postoffice:addParcel(xPlayer.identifier, 'Farming Job', 'vehicle', 'zentorno', 1) - 1x zentorno will be added to player’s garage

Identifier MUST always be defined. If you need help message us and we will surely help you ASAP.

Every player has a total number of parcels that he received on his account, which is displayed in the bottom left of the menu.

When a new parcel is added to the account, the total number of parcels received is increased by 1.

In the top right corner of the menu, the current number of unopened packages is written, which changes depending on the number of unopened packages at the moment.

When the number of parcels in the menu is filled, a scroll bar is created that can go to infinity, so the number of parcels a player can have is unlimited.

Rewards we’ve setuped for this resource:

  • Money - can be ‘money’, ‘black_money’ or ‘bank’
  • Items
  • Vehicle - plate configuration included (config file)

We WILL provide support for this resource and WILL help you add more types of rewards for parcels.

In the config file developers can set up:

  • Post Office Location
  • Administrator Group for command /addparcel
  • Plate configuration for the vehicle as a reward in parcel
  • Full Job Translation
  • Blip configuration (locations on the map)

UI in this resource is fully responsive.

Config FIle

Take a look on config file

:shopping_cart: BUY HERE: https://uniq.tebex.io/

:package: OTHER WORKS

:grey_exclamation: Resource Info

Code is accessible :heavy_check_mark:
Subscription-based :x:
Lines (approximately) 300+
Requirements :x:
Support :heavy_check_mark: