Possibility of checking which texture is broken

It would help a lot for server owners if we could check which texture is not loading properly. It’s so hard to check thousands of textures streamed on our server. A simple tool to figure it out would be amazing. It could be added to nui_dev tools for example. It will prevent many crashes, texture blanking and things like that. Hope You can do something about it guys.

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When we are here (I do not want to create a duplicated thread, since this is unreplied and quite fresh), it would be indeed cool to get some more development tools for custom assets, like:

  • ability to (recursively) fix collision data (ybn files and ydr with embedd collision) from CLI (the same way we can convert GTA4 assets to GTA5), because tools like GIMS are much slow for this and fixing lots of assets will take ages - right now game client does that in background
  • aibility to list archetype duplicates - right now duplicated archetypes are not loaded to avoid client crashes, but when you have lots of assets its really hard to find in which ytyp file might contain duplicate

Define ‘not loading properly’ here.

I believe the operation for a file that failed validation doesn’t take much longer than one that doesn’t, but I’m not entirely certain on that being the case.

Anyway, that is already supported by CW/RageLib-based tools, since r:f:x doesn’t really support repacking assets incrementally I’m not sure if that is a good feature for such.

Define ‘archetype duplicates’ here again, especially how it’d not be something that’d also lead to a duplicate underlying asset… or how you’d even cause such.

I believe the operation for a file that failed validation doesn’t take much longer than one that doesn’t, but I’m not entirely certain on that being the case.

Single file indeed, situation might get hot if you get within distance of many such objects (depending on PC hardware, game client lose FPS and even might hitch during this). It’s also leaving footprint in game client console. Would prefer to just fix those files, but as mentioned previously - with few thousands of files its hard to collect which files are broken and yet to process them.

Anyway, that is already supported by CW/RageLib-based tools, since r:f:x doesn’t really support repacking assets incrementally I’m not sure if that is a good feature for such.

If I wouldn’t try that, I wouldn’t bother you with my request. CW suffers issues with some specific files, also not handling properly 4K textures (not a case at all, but as said - CW is not ideal). I’ve sent you my code for fixing it with CW over DM, it actually brakes some YDRs, though YBNs are re-saved fine, while the game client handles the correction properly in all cases.

It would be cool even for single files, simple sh/ps will do the recursion. Or perhaps any way to dump those fixed by game client in-fly.

Define ‘archetype duplicates’ here again, especially how it’d not be something that’d also lead to a duplicate underlying asset… or how you’d even cause such.

Simple print in game client console listing deleted archetype name and it’s origin ytyp/ymap/whatever (just to locate it at it’s ytyp) would be cool enough. Not sure should it be at ArchetypeInitHook or ArchetypeDtorHook1, therefore won’t PR this.

I’m talking about this error: Ignoring Z_BUF_ERROR with avail_in == 0, it makes texture blanking / not loading (player constantly fall under the map). I’m pretty sure it’s caused by specific texture. It happends to all players on the server, doesn’t matter when they are. That error hit’s like five times per second in console. Whole console is just fluttering and player have to relog. Sometimes it happens after ten minutes after restart, sometimes all is fine for two days without restarting server. So my conclusion is that when one player loads specific model / texture it happends. I don’t have possibility to check 250 add-on cars, 80 streamed interiors and thousands of streamed custom clothes. To be honest I don’t have any idea how to check it, that’s why I request it. In other threads I have read that it’s because of damaged texture and actually it make sense. Some people said that files could broke during upload on virtual machine but I can’t find what is wrong. Hope You could understand what I wrote. Have a good day! :mascot: