Ive never added an item to qbcore. However I believe you do it like this
["item_craftingtable"] = {["name"] = "item_craftingtable", ["label"] = "Item Crafting Table", ["weight"] = 400, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "item_craftingtable.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
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Since I have my own competing product I wanted to make sure people are aware that I may be biased - didnât want to be percieved as someone attacking another creatorâs work.
Ah, I understand. Again, thanks for your help.
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stevo_portablecrafting 2.0.3
- Added interact support
- Added permanent tables (added via config)
- Added crafting multiple items at once (configurable)
Config was updated, please do not copy over current config.
Full Changelog: Comparing 2.0.1...2.0.3 ¡ stevoscriptsteam/stevo_portablecrafting ¡ GitHub
Download: Release 2.0.3 ¡ stevoscriptsteam/stevo_portablecrafting ¡ GitHub