Wanted to share something we’re working on, although it’s a WIP due to some technical limitations on FiveM.
We’ve been putting some work/research into add-on tattoos and have created a set of black-out tattoos, which are available now on popcorn! I’m hoping to get this released for the greater FiveM community soon!
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One of the things we’ve found while diving deaper into using custom “native audio” and the abundance of base game audio available, is that a lot of them can be used for cool, immersion building. We’ve added some sound effects using the mana_audio resource, that plays audio when drinking, or picking up/dropping items. Just a small addition that makes item use feel less anemic.
Now live on Popcorn RP!
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Manason has been in the lab cooking, and today we’re ready to serve up some grade A product: Mescaline pills and peyote are now in the city!
Find peyote plants around the map, turn them into mash, and turn them into pills. Mescaline is available to deal and to use, introducing our most powerful (and risky) bong wizard effect, a new AoE (area of effect) dance that forces you and everyone around to dance!
Start hunting for those prickly bois now!
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Following MY PRESIDENT Sue Murry’s landslide victory in the governor race against “Crooked” Jock Cranley, San Andreas declared its independence from the United States, ensuring she is able to fulfill all 100% of her campaign promises.
God Bless Los Santos and God Bless the Republic of San Andreas.
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Quality of Life and Bug Fix Update:
Hey everyone, we’ve been hard at work updating and going through bug fixes so I wanted to give you a short update on things we’ve fixed in the past few weeks in case you’ve missed them!
- Pets can now be given orders while running! That means you can make your pet stay, move, or attack while moving without having to stop in place.
- Added metal detectors to Aldore (can be requested by other businesses, orgs, etc based on need)
- Laundromat has been moved
- Pushed some anti-cheat/abuse measures to help clean up prop spam
- Added “Pipe Down” cigar store (tobacco crafting added, but harvesting still WIP)
- Vehicle spawning adjusted/fixed (no more missing parts/paint jobs!)
Bug Fixes:
- 6 cars adjusted for graphics performance, audio, and handing
- Fixed activation and height of elevators, secret doors, and other press e to open entrances (fix for falling through some areas)
- Phones will now close when cuffed - you can no longer preopen a phone and use it while cuffed
- Fix for some trucking job trailers not attaching
- PD/EMS no longer receive each other’s blips/calls on the map
- Fixed some exploits related to money in a number of resources
- Gun Throwing fixed
- Number of car trunks fixed/position adjusted (wrong area of interaction, mainly for some super cars)
Thanks for your reports, and as always keep those reports coming on in!
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Press E Interaction Expanded
We’ve expanded the availability of the “press e” interaction across the city @everyone. @sqrl4k has been hard at work converting over a bunch of things you needed to use third eye for, and here’s a video of some of the things we’ve changed up!
On the todo list for press e are:
- Locking picking doors
- Safes, storage units, and the store for buying safes
- Mission/raids
- baskeball
- Garages
- vending machines for soda, snacks, coffee, cigarettes
- Selling drugs
- Tire slashing
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Press E Progress
We’ve made some additional updates to the Press E system!
We’ve updated the interaction range for pool ques, improved access for missions, judge’s gavel, and tire slashing.
On the to do list are now:
- Locking picking doors
- Safes, storage units, and the store for buying safes
- basketball
- Garages
- vending machines for soda, snacks, coffee, cigarettes
- Selling drugs
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Record A Studios is now open to the public for all your recording studio RP!
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The Kangal Shepherd dog is now available at the pet store!
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We’ve added five new custom pets, including an armadillo, lemur, zebra, akita, and tosa inu!
Find them in city now!
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Plate Reader Improvements
LSPD We’ve updated the plate reader with a few important features after reset:
- You can now copy the plate ID from the plate reader (goes to your clipboard when locking on to a plate)
- New plate designs have been added (no more broken image when scanning one of the newer vehicles!)
- Vehicle blacklist (EMS vehicles no longer have plate readers!)
- Multiple bolos can be set via the plate reader now (easier to track multiple plates)
If for whatever reason you experience any reset in the UI design/off screen elements, please use the command /reset_radar_data to reset your plate reader/scanner info

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Tobacco Update
To make mescaline a little more rare and introduce some more variety to the drug system, we’ve introduced two new changes to the drug system: Wild Tobacco and Blunt Crafting!
Wild Tobacco: Now available wherever peyote can be found, wild tobacco can be found wherever it spawns. Each plant gives 1 leaf, which you can then process. This should mescaline way more rare, and give you more opportunities to craft some cigars for that cigarette effect!
Blunt Crafting: Blunts can now be crafted in the back room of Pipe Down! Craft blunts, and then use different drugs make different types of blunts.
Using a laced “special blunt” will allow you to skip the build up step of going into “bong wizard” mode, so you can save some of your time and resources!
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Dude where’s my Car Payment!
Just wanted to give you all a heads up since many of you haven’t been keeping up with your car payments. Car payments have been fixed, and a push will be made tonight, with the fix being on Live.
You’ll be getting warnings start at 30 minutes left on your payment. You will get three warnings. If you do not pay your finance on time, the car will be sent to Mors Mutual with a 30% charge placed on top of the total price.
You must pay your car finance once every 24 hours of play time. So get on top of your payments!

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Supporting supporters
Popcorn RP is dedicated to keeping everything fair, accessible, and balanced for everyone! Part of what makes that possible is the support all our founders and supporters have shown us over the past few years. Thank you!
As a thank you from us to all our supporters this month, we’ll be giving all supporters this month a free pet!
You can choose between a Tosa Inu or Akita Dog!
Reach out to me via a ticket or /assist and I’m happy to get one of these to you.
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With over 65 pets and animals (45 of them totally custom!), Popcorn RP has the most extensive collection of custom pets and models made by us for our community!
Come check them out!
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