Police MDT for Google docs with UI

sorry my English and not strong, in fact I wanted to know if you can add a function which allows to use the tablet with an item (ex: tablet, MDT) to open it and not the command or the key

ok, i work on it ^^ is coming to the Update V1.4

and if it works please update to esx legacy i know there is a way to do this

and if it is possible to add multiple jobs like LSPD, LSMD, Mechanic and co.

Thanks for this

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Hello, its working and testet on esx leagcy 1.7.5, and the multi Job its comming in a update

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Ahh okay yes we currently have version 1.9.4

when will the update come ?

i will try at 1.9.5

Ok Nice

Thank you

Hi, I have make a V1.4 with Animation and support for legacy 1.9.5, but multi Job is not working Sorry


Thank you

multi Job is not working :sob: :sob: :sob:

add this to server/main.lua

ESX = exports[‘es_extended’]:getSharedObject()

and remove this server/main.lua

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj)
ESX = obj

How not to get errors in F8

make this: TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj)
ESX = obj

to this:
ESX = exports[‘es_extended’]:getSharedObject()

in the server/main.lua

the tab shows for like 5-10 seconds on spawning

Using qbcore
Using your V1.3

This is normal, and the tab is for ESX and tests for ESX

Thank you for this awsom script. My server runs QBCore and I don’t have a lot knowledge about scripting for QBCore. Can you please provide a QBCore Version of Update 1.4. This would be very awsome.

Best greetings

Okay with the ESX to QBCore convert List I be able to change the ESX Functions to QBCore functions. Its running now with the Command-Option but not with the Key-Option.

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@Trascher-TV how can i make the script multichar friendly

it is working for mulitchar

wait a sec
ill send a picture then ok


I am useing esx_multichar on ESX 1.9.4

I need a fix for that i allready tryed to reach out to you but i didnt find any discord or something eles u know.

btw sorry for tthe bad english

go in client/main.lua/Line27 and send me a pic from the code