Police make this city really hard to enjoy

Multiple times we’ve had situations where police break RP by basically making up their own rules. Shooting first or arresting people for something they’ve just made up. However if a non-police person says the wrong terminology in city god help you, they’ll make prayers to admins as quick as they can and you’ll get all the heat.

Recently had a friend got a trespassing charge for entering the front desk of PD and trying to make a complaint which is the only way they can review their PD staff. The PD completely ruin this city, if you want to be a criminal you’re really gonna have a hard time.

I recommend the server because the potential for a good PD is there, some PD members are really good at what they do. It seems the newer PD staff really don’t care about what rules they break or make up. Also the non-police players sound but if you have any run ins with the police be ready to have every rule broken against yourself and don’t do the same back… It’s so.


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