Police Lights Not Flashing Correctly / Addon Vehicles Not Spawning

Hi, (There is 2 questions in 1 post)

Question 1
I have been developing a server, and I have found some really nice vehicles that I wanted to use. These vehicles have custom vehicle.meta, carvariation.meta, and carcol.meta files that were included. I have tried merging the corresponding files together, as well as streaming the add on vehicle files on the server, and having the replacement car files in my client, but everytime I activate my lights the lights are not were they are supposed to be, and half of them do not flash.
Question 2
I have four vehicles that are addon vehicles I have followed tutorials on how to make sure that they work on the server, as well as they have spawned for me previously when I was trying to see if they worked, but the last 5 times I have attempted to spawn them I get a error saying invalid model and I type them the way that the files are spelled. I have tried using the newest version of the enhanced trainer, as well as one of the older versions that I had laying on my desktop.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks G.

The issue with the lights is your siren setting on the carvariations.meta. That controls the lighting type and coronas. Default siren settings are 1-13.

sirenSettings value “1” = This siren lights is used by Police Buffalo, Police Riot, Park Ranger SUV and Sheriff Granger.

sirenSettings value “2” = This siren lights is used by Police Interceptor.

sirenSettings value “4”= This siren lights is used by Ambulance.

sirenSettings value “5” = This siren lights is used by NYSP Police Roadcruiser, NYSP Police Rancher and LSPD Police Transporter.

sirenSettings value “6” = This siren lights is used by Police Bike

sirenSettings value “7” = This siren lights is used by Fire Truck

sirenSettings value “9” = This siren lights is used by Tow Truck and one of Boxville models.

sirenSettings value “10” = This siren lights is used by Lifeguard SUV.

sirenSettings value “13” = This siren lights is used by Stanier Police Cruiser and Sheriff Cruiser.

I can’t help you with add-on vehicles not working, because I can’t get them working myself. Sometimes they’d work, most times not.

Thanks I will give it a shot with those settings.

Even with changing the settings they still do not work correctly. I am using Captain14’s LSPD, FBI, and Sheriff cars that the lights have been edited to look more like ELS.

You need to use the carvariations.meta, vehicles.meta and carcols.ymt that came with the pack.

i have still not working