Question 1
I have been developing a server, and I have found some really nice vehicles that I wanted to use. These vehicles have custom vehicle.meta, carvariation.meta, and carcol.meta files that were included. I have tried merging the corresponding files together, as well as streaming the add on vehicle files on the server, and having the replacement car files in my client, but everytime I activate my lights the lights are not were they are supposed to be, and half of them do not flash.
Question 2
I have four vehicles that are addon vehicles I have followed tutorials on how to make sure that they work on the server, as well as they have spawned for me previously when I was trying to see if they worked, but the last 5 times I have attempted to spawn them I get a error saying invalid model and I type them the way that the files are spelled. I have tried using the newest version of the enhanced trainer, as well as one of the older versions that I had laying on my desktop.
The issue with the lights is your siren setting on the carvariations.meta. That controls the lighting type and coronas. Default siren settings are 1-13.
sirenSettings value “1” = This siren lights is used by Police Buffalo, Police Riot, Park Ranger SUV and Sheriff Granger.
sirenSettings value “2” = This siren lights is used by Police Interceptor.
sirenSettings value “4”= This siren lights is used by Ambulance.
sirenSettings value “5” = This siren lights is used by NYSP Police Roadcruiser, NYSP Police Rancher and LSPD Police Transporter.
sirenSettings value “6” = This siren lights is used by Police Bike
sirenSettings value “7” = This siren lights is used by Fire Truck
sirenSettings value “9” = This siren lights is used by Tow Truck and one of Boxville models.
sirenSettings value “10” = This siren lights is used by Lifeguard SUV.
sirenSettings value “13” = This siren lights is used by Stanier Police Cruiser and Sheriff Cruiser.
I can’t help you with add-on vehicles not working, because I can’t get them working myself. Sometimes they’d work, most times not.
Even with changing the settings they still do not work correctly. I am using Captain14’s LSPD, FBI, and Sheriff cars that the lights have been edited to look more like ELS.