Hello everyone who is looking to join this server,
Please be aware that if you want to have a good experience you have to impress a thirteen year old kid and make sure to stay on his goo side. He will go above and beyond to make the experience as least fun as possible when he changes from being Police Comissioner to a Civ. He “has rules in place for a reason” but as soon as he doesn’t feel like following said rules they no longer apply to him. I was a member of this server and I was able to advance quickly, but not at the hands of him. He undermined and did a major disservice to the community because he has ultimate power to do as he feels. He will copbait, he will go as far as abusing admin powers to teleport to wherever he want to just for the hell of it. I DO NOT RECOMMEND this server if you don’t want to deal with a thirteen year old having final say, and the worst of it is that he is not the owner, the owner will not do anything about it because he doesn’t like confrontation, there have been many reports of him doing horrible things and still nobody will do anything about it. It was a truly fun server until he ruined it for many of us.
Someone looking out for the community so you dont get burnt out in a week.
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