Player got wanted, the player blips change color to red, how can i do that?

I have got problem.
Some one can help me?
My problem is:
I would like to when the player got wanted, the player blips change color to red.
How can i do that?

i want to write this code to this attached file:

function GetPlayers()
	local players = {}

	for i = 0, 31 do
		if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
			table.insert(players, i)

	return players

	local blips = {}
	local currentPlayer = PlayerId()

	while true do

		local players = GetPlayers()

		for player = 0, 64 do
			if player ~= currentPlayer and NetworkIsPlayerActive(player) then
				local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
				local playerName = GetPlayerName(player)

				local new_blip = AddBlipForEntity(playerPed)
				-- Add player name to blip
				SetBlipNameToPlayerName(new_blip, player)
				-- Make blip white 
				SetBlipColour(new_blip, player +10)

				-- Enable text on blip
				SetBlipCategory(new_blip, 2)

				-- Set the blip to shrink when not on the minimap
				--Citizen.InvokeNative(0x2B6D467DAB714E8D, new_blip, true)

				-- Shrink player blips slightly
				SetBlipScale(new_blip, 0.9)

				-- Add nametags above head
				Citizen.InvokeNative(0xBFEFE3321A3F5015, playerPed, playerName, false, false, '', false)

				-- Record blip so we don't keep recreating it
				blips[player] = new_blip

-- Make blip white 
				SetBlipColour(new_blip, player +10)

Says make blip white, if you want red color you can change to other number like Color Red is ID: 1

Here is a link of all blips and colors what you can use!



Just a heads up, you wanna retrieve the players different Cookbook

i dont need that

how to do this?

Was refering to change the code above.

ahha and i do go to link and after sect paste? or how to do this?

What? Edit your current code you posted.

i dont understand what i edit in my code?

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