Pink panteri sell drugs to npc *super optimized* [esx]

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Hello guys ! I work on this script about 2 months , i try use for my server another scripts for selling drugs but i was not happy with optimization beacuse i have bigger ms around 0.30 , then when come closer to NPC i get about 1.20-1.50 ms …my server is super optimized then i decied to make optimized script what is 0.01-0.05 ms!

:100:EXTRA: You can change drugs super easy and if you have sherrif’s job on your server you can allow them to get blips when person refuse drug deal or to the maffia !

:rotating_light: This script is made for esx or esx+ essentialmode and it’s super optimized !

You dont need have a police in town or sheriffs to sell drugs you can also put maffia to get nottifications when sobody sell drugs !

You are able to sell drugs all over town and also have protection for players dont make BUGS or GLITCH for extra money!

SIMPLE INSTALATION: drag in resources and start in config [ start pinkpanteri_drugs ]

If you need a help you can contact me 0-24h here


Hello can you please film the resource table when testing the script to see the complete optimization even when you are facing the ped that you use the script not only without using it thank you in advance. Very nice script to sell to the ped :slight_smile:

There are a lot of free versions out there you can try first, paying 30.25 euro’s for a script that also released multiple times for free and isn’t unique and only optimised by someone is a little bit too much.

Free versions of this script:

stasiek_selldrugs & stasiek_selldrugsv2

ESX Sell Drugs to NPC’s (Weed Only)

ESX Sell Drugs

[For Developers][Release] Sell drugs to NPCs


Yea, it’s a little bit too expensive… Thanks for share this free resource

No 3D Text. Just randomly “Press G?”

I have made a drug selling which has 0.09 MS with 3DText + Ped Finder. I would not sell that for more then 10 bucks.

Also the link to buy the product takes to your Discord. I don’t see the product anywhere but discord information. Isn’t directly telling people to join discord against terms on forums?

@hallux was true. Paid releases will settle down when people are done showing their PP size on forums.

Note : Its not yet 2021. You might be looking at wrong calendar.


I think that’s why it says that it is optimized I remove the 3D text, :smiley:

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is this work if i use nonpc script ? because i want the npc just spawn on the certain radius like in the grove street

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These animations look horrible, and you only show the 0.01ms resource time at idle - show people how it performs when it’s being used. What makes this different from the free (IMO better quality) resources? Does it limit what peds you can sell to, does it limit what time of day you can sell, does it alert police? It doesn’t look like it does any of these things and it doesn’t use any 3D Text, progress bars or anything to indicate to the player what’s happening other than the terrible animations.

well this is made for hard rp server i dont use 3d text and i make that more realistic …i dont know when you click on link bring you on discord when i click its bring me on shop site :open_mouth: ,tnx for advice and opium later i post when script is in use ms :slight_smile: this is made for optimization

yes , well if your code is good 3D text will not make issue i just simple dont like for HARD RP server

yes its work you can put radnom area where npc"s will be spawned

Do you understand that you need to add “product” page? Not store page where it shows your personal information?

If its hardcore RP, no one would sell drugs to all NPC’s will they?

Can you make a video having opened the resource monitor and sell drugs please (whole video keep it open)? I want to see whole MS count. Because I am paying ~$30 and it should be worth it.

Also I was looking to buy your blip resource, did you take the post back? How do I buy it?

well my community like sell drugs to npcs because we have gangs what to that and mafia what contorl.,…people chose them RP not me ,well i didnt want post my discord i post tabex shop what fivem allowed and my contact fo helping people if something dont work or need help with fixing some scripts ,i will make video and post in use ofcors ,everything is in fivem store for me perfect work few people already buy blips :slight_smile: dont know why showing you discord and why doesnt work for you …

You sure blips are allowed to still sell? Won’t we get into trouble for buying it lol?

And please change the link to buy the script to this :

or I would need to flag it.

Thanks for also changing the price to 12.00 EUR after people complaining about the price.

Amazing haha :

Doesn’t link to the product, also still selling blips resource with images which contain a non commercial license. Do some reading on licenses