Pillbox beds

your welcome


Thankkkkk youuu

your welcome NOW stop confusing me lol <3

When someone is trying to lie on the bed he is on the floor :confused:

if you see his lying on the floor he need to get up and lie several times ,

must just be a desync problem

Hello there!

So, I added coordinates to the lower pillbox interior. I’m having an issue where your character teleports to another bed after pressing X to get back up. It isn’t an issue that happens every single time, but it does happen quite often. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Hello friend, I have this problem with that script, sometimes, I teletransports to the previous healing bed.

What is the name of the animation that you use for the pillbox beds, and what is the line or lines of the client.lua, where should I write them?

Thanks for your time friend

the anim is called anim@gangops@morgue@table@

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there is a reason why I haven’t added the new bed in the new pill box as I was having the same problem I will work on this tomorrow now tho if you want to send me the bed cords in a pm please feel free that will help me out a lot lol aka im being to lazy ;p

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It’s around line 48. The anim I use is misslamar1dead_body".

Thank you very much if you look for that and I already have two animations, I see that there are 3 lines to change:

48 49 52

----- LINE 48----


while not HasAnimDictLoaded(‘anim@gangops@morgue@table@’) do

Do I have to change the dictionary with another name line 52?

–LINE 52 —
TaskPlayAnim (GetPlayerPed (-1), ‘missfbi5ig_0’, ‘lyinginpain_loop_steve’

The part of:


Do you know of a list where you can watch each animation, in video or visually? Because in google a list comes out but you do not know what each animation does.

Thank you for this great script, very grateful for the great work


‘anim@gangops@morgue@table@’ , ‘ko_front’
‘misslamar1dead_body’ , ‘dead_idle’

list animations: http://washedoutmenu.weebly.com/animation-list.html

anyone know a fix for the bed teleportation to a certain bed?
having issue with people getting teleported from example surgery room to the observation beds.

same problem teleportation is pretty annoying

If you use esx_sit you can just add the bed props & the animation, took me only a few minutes to do.

v_med_emptybed for bed without mattress & v_med_bed1 for green bed with quilt and lastly the blue bed with mattress and pillow v_med_bed2.

I also took quick notice that there are chairs beside some of the medical beds that can be used and are not included into esx_sit’s prop list.

v_med_whickerchair1 & v_ret_gc_chair02

If you completely despice ESX, you should use this instead and avoid any other garbage pillbox bed scripts: Bedcommand

it didnt work…

i filled coords but i get no message

How to install this
Because I do on my way it’s is not working
Plz help

there a bug with it at the moment I haven’t had the time to go and sort it just yet so il recommend not using it until I or someone has fixed it

ive installed this script and nothing comes up when i approach a bed, why?

Not working.