[FREE] Pickle's Payment System | Itemize Charges, Accept & Reject Charges, and more!

More Information & Scripts can be found here!


What is this?

This is a multi-framework payment system.

It's a great fit for any type of roleplaying server, whether it's Serious RP or not.

With this resource, you will be able to do the following:

  • Add Registers.
  • Charge Customers via Cash / Card automatically.
  • Itemize your charges with individual names and prices.
  • Restrict Registers to multiple jobs.
  • Payout to either businesses or the cashier themselves.

Supported Frameworks

  • ESX 1.1+ & Legacy
  • QBCore
  • Standalone (Code your own bridge)

What do I need?

Use a supported framework or make it work with yours via the bridge folder.

Ox Lib (Required).


Start ox_lib before pickle_payment.

Add your registers in the config.lua.

Need Support?

Click here!

Ready to download?



so amazing respect u broooo <3 nice script


Pickle always on them good releases :slight_smile:


thank you so much pickle

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Does the metadata of item stay?

i think is only a description name so customer can have a billing of what they are buying

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can you do it for esx please

can you read? :rofl:

There is no items used in this resource, if you want to turn register purchases into bills, there are events on the serverside of the register module for it.


Team green :100:

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Any chance I could convince you to add receipts with Metadata defining charges, items, and total?

I’ve added ox_target support and ox_inventory support for pickle_payment.

The metadata for the Items sold could probably be cleaned up a bit, but idk how to do it…

If you want the snippets posted here, I can accommodate that, or I can send them to you.

I’m not set up on GH so, no PR’s (I’m not important enough to work on GH yet.)

Could you send me ox target support please?

How do you change it to society because in the config for type if you do that you only get errors in the console

[script:pickle_paymen] SCRIPT ERROR: @pickle_payment/bridge/esx/server.lua:86: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘account’)
[script:pickle_paymen] > ref (@pickle_payment/bridge/esx/server.lua:86)
[script:pickle_paymen] > handler (@esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua:52)
[script:pickle_paymen] > AttemptTransaction (@pickle_payment/bridge/esx/server.lua:85)
[script:pickle_paymen] > handler (@pickle_payment/modules/register/server.lua:25)
[script:esx_addonacco] SCRIPT ERROR: error object is not a string
[script:esx_addonacco] > AttemptTransaction (@pickle_payment/bridge/esx/server.lua:85)
[script:esx_addonacco] > handler (@pickle_payment/modules/register/server.lua:25)

How to set up payment to enterprises

Fixed video link!