Parking System

I use a car script that has engine on/off etc with milage works great with this.
I use the garage so people can store the cars if they have like 20 cars each and everyone parks them outside there will be fps loss/crashes clientside.

Also the impound for the police/mechanics :slight_smile:

Good thing to make sure when scripts use esxnotificationhelp text is that if you have two different triggered at the same time it will break the scripts.

Version 7 is Out! :slight_smile:

that is because they wanted it i dont understand too :smiley:

Update ist out go check it Out


so where is the park/unpark key?

They Park automatically now :slight_smile:

That’s dope! Question, does the police gets notified on the lockpicking? Also I parked the vehicle, restarted the server and then it was not recognising it was mine to just get in, I had to lockpick it, is using a carlock the solution to this?

Ok so just tested, seems that after a restart the script does not recognise the owner of the car to let him go inside, it is locked even if you locked it with a carlock script before exiting. :frowning:

Dude, it locks the door. you need to unlock it with for example esx_carkey!
If it is a spawned car, then it isnt yours, so you need to lockpick it.

Yeah I am using esx_carlock but not the classic one, and it does not recognise it is my vehicle to unlock it, strange

did you spawned it?

no it is bought from the cardealer and stored in the owned vehicles db

than it is an script error, use the “classic” one and it should work or fix yours

Alright will try with the classic one and write back. :slight_smile:

So I tested with classic one, I can unlock car after restart, but then when I get in it will not start the engine…

If anyone needs help I can help them

what version of parking are you using, what version of es_extended are you using, are you using a multichar script. when you start the engine you press the Y key.

very good script, but the little problem with the car dealer. As soon as you sit in the vehicle, it is saved in the SQL. It doesn’t matter if it’s your own or not.

What’s new?

if this is taken into account by bob, he knows about this problem. at the moment it can be solved by blocking the ped. cars so that cars that do not have an owner cannot be stolen.