-Target Systems (qb-target or ox_target)
-Dispatch calls (Project Sloth, qb or Add your own!)
-Notify systems (qb, okok, or mythic)
-Progress Bars (qb or ox_lib)
-Required Item to start heist
-Required item to do hack
-MLOs (Support GABZ or basic GTA)
-Blip included (Can turn on or off)
-Heist Starter Ped
-Use money reward or item rewards
-Chance to receive different items
-Finish Ammu Heist Ped
-Random Ped Spawns
-Random Ammunation Locations for Mission
-qb-target or ox_target
-qb, qs or ps inventories
-utk_fingerprint minigame
Code is accessible | Some |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1200+ |
Requirements | QBCore |
Support | Yes |