Old Listing - See New Listing For Details

No longer being sold on the iSe.GG Tebex.

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I need to ask because I am genuinely curious but what is something like this for?

These are used on combat style servers, such as ours for example. They use each side of the ramp as the starting zone, and then its a 1v1 or 2v2 style match. Very common on the combat servers.

We use it for multiple 1v1s at a time

$30??? For a YMAP?? Damn people down bad these days

There’s individuals that buy it, so unless you plan on buying, there’s no reason for you to reply.

Cause they don’t wanna learn a tool that takes 5 minutes & I can reply all I want, cheers bud

Swapped out the link.

Updated the link! :slight_smile:

Eu kaio porto games67