[PAID] WaveSkills - Skills & Abilities


WaveSkills is an amazing STANDALONE resource, allowing you to develop skills and unlock abilities, thus making your character more interesting .
Every features is configurable and can be adapted to all your tastes!


Watch the Showcase !


WaveResources | WaveSkills (tebex.io) - 20€ + taxes


  • resmon : 0.0ms while performing actions
  • Leveling Skills allows you to unlock or upgrade some abilities where you can edit all their effects in the config !
  • 9 available skills and +15 abilities !
    • Shooting - upgrade recoil,accuracy,reloading time
    • Stamina - upgrade running/swimming/cycling time
    • Strength - upgrade melees damages,climbing,agility,reduce damages takens, run speed
    • Stealth - Upgrade speed & discretion in stealth mode
    • Driving - upgrade wheelies, reduction of shocks, better grip
    • Flying - upgrade air control, redution of shocks
    • Lung - upgrade apnea time
    • Mental State - being damaged will increase it and allow you to lose some skills percent.
    • Special Abilities - thoses in GTA:O ( can be disabled for roleplay servers )
  • Perfect for all types of servers !
  • We use exports so you can add/remove experience of each skills directly into your resources too !
  • Anti-Glitchs
  • Nice sounds
  • Nices Notifications
  • built-in RageUI edited
  • Multiples Languages supported
  • And more…

Config Example

waveSkills = {
    Language = "EN", --FR/EN/DE/ES
    openKey = "PAGEUP",
    saveInterval = 2, --save statistics every how many minutes ?
    Skills = {
        Special = {
            enable = true,
            duration = 8, -- how long the special ability dure ( in seconds )
            key = "COMMA",
            unlockableAbilities = {
                --ability nb  1     trevor ability, rage
                --ability nb  2     michael ability, slow motion
                --ability nb  3     AIM help
                --ability nb  4     reduced taken damages
                --ability nb  5     invincibility & boosted  damages
                {type = "special",level= 25,ability = 2},
                {type = "special",level= 50,ability = 4},
                {type = "special",level= 70,ability = 1},
                {type = "special",level= 80,ability = 5},
                {type = "special",level= 100,ability = 3},
        Shooting = {
            enable = true,
            hitsNumberToProgress = 3, -- add 1% every how many hits with weapons
            hitsMultiplier = 1.2, --multiply per this number the required hits to progress after each level
            killsNumberToProgress = 1, -- add 1% every how many kills with weapons
            killsMultiplier = 1.2, --multiply per this number the required kills to progress after each level

            enableEffects = true, -- enable recoil animation ( depend of skill level )
            recoilMultiplier = 1, -- reduce for less recoil, increase for more recoil ( recoil depend of skill level)

            unlockableAbilities = {
                {type="recoil",level = 10,modifier=0.90}, --10% less recoil on weapons
                {type="recoil",level = 25,modifier=0.75}, --25% less recoil on weapons
                {type="recoil",level = 40,modifier=0.60}, --40% less recoil on weapons
                {type="recoil",level = 60,modifier=0.40}, --60% less recoil on weapons
                {type="recoil",level = 80,modifier=0.20}, --80% less recoil on weapons
                {type="recoil",level = 100,modifier=0.0}, --100% less recoil on weapons
        Stamina = {
            enable = true,
            runningMetersToProgress = 20, -- add 1% every how many meters of running
            swimmingMetersToProgress = 20, -- add 1% every how many meters of swimming
            metersMultiplier = 1.2, --multiply per this number the required meters to progress after each level
            enableEffects = true, -- enable out of breathe animation ( depend of skill level )
        Strength = {
            enable = true,
            punchsNumberToProgress = 2, -- add 1% every how many punchs given
            punchsMultiplier = 1.2, --multiply per this number the required number of punchs to progress after each level
            enableEffects = true, -- enable force multiplier ( depend of skill level )
            punchForceMultiplier = 1.0, --increase if you want more force applied to the punch
            unlockableAbilities = {
                {type="runfaster",level = 10,modifier=1.05}, -- run 5% faster
                {type="runfaster",level = 25,modifier=1.1}, -- run 10% faster
                {type="runfaster",level = 50,modifier=1.15}, -- run 15% faster
                {type="runfaster",level = 75,modifier=1.2}, -- run 20% faster
                {type="runfaster",level = 100,modifier=1.25}, -- run 35% faster
        Driving = {
            enable = true,
            secondsInHighSpeedToProgress = 2, -- add 1% every how many seconds above 50% of vehicle top speed
            secondsMultiplier = 1.2, -- multiply per this number the required seconds to progress after each level

            enableEffects = true, -- enable random loss of control of the vehicle ( depend of skill level )
            pullForceMultiplier = 1.0, --increase if you want to push more the car 
            unlockableAbilities = {
                {type="drivegrip",level = 5,modifier=1.05}, -- 5% more grip
                {type="driving_shakes",level = 10,modifier=0.90}, -- 10% less camera shakes
                {type="drivegrip",level = 15,modifier=1.1}, -- 10% more grip
                {type="driving_shakes",level = 20,modifier=0.70}, -- 30% less camera shakes
                {type="driving_shakes",level = 30,modifier=0.50}, -- 50% less camera shakes
                {type="drivegrip",level = 40,modifier=1.15}, -- 15% more grip
                {type="driving_shakes",level = 50,modifier=0.25}, -- 75% less camera shakes
                {type="driving_shakes",level = 60,modifier=0.0}, -- 100% less camera shakes
                {type="drivegrip",level = 70,modifier=1.2}, -- 20% more grip
                {type="drivegrip",level = 100,modifier=1.25}, -- 25% more grip
        Lung = {
            enable = true,
            secondsUnderWaterToProgress = 1, -- add 1% every how many seconds under water
            secondsMultiplier = 1, --  multiply per this number the required seconds underwater to progress after each level
        Flying = {
            enable = true,
            secondsInHighSpeedToProgress = 2, -- add 1% every how many seconds above 50% of vehicle top speed
            secondsMultiplier = 1.2, -- multiply per this number the required seconds to progress after each level

            enableEffects = true, -- enable random loss of control of the vehicle ( depend of skill level )
            pullForceMultiplier = 1.0, --increase if you want to push more the vehicle 
            unlockableAbilities = {
                {type="flying_shakes",level = 5,modifier=0.90}, -- 10% less camera shakes
                {type="flying_shakes",level = 10,modifier=0.70}, -- 30% less camera shakes
                {type="flying_shakes",level = 15,modifier=0.50}, -- 50% less camera shakes
                {type="flying_shakes",level = 30,modifier=0.25}, -- 75% less camera shakes
                {type="flying_shakes",level = 50,modifier=0.0}, -- 100% less camera shakes
        Stealth = {
            enable = true,
            secondsInFurtiveModeToProgress = 3, -- add 1% every how many seconds in furtive mode
            secondsMultiplier = 1, --  multiply per this number the required seconds in furtive mode to progress after each level
            killsInFurtiveModeToProgress = 1, -- add 1% every how many kills in furtive mode
            killsMultiplier = 1, --  multiply per this number the required kills in furtive mode to progress after each level
        Mental = { -- more ur mental state is high, more you can lose your skills
            enable = true, -- enable the loss of skills ?
            hitsToProgress = 3, -- add 1% every how many hits ( by weapons or punchs or vehicle or objects) 
            percentPerDeaths = 5, -- how many percent to add after each death ?
            secondsToRemoveOnePercentWithoutBeingDamaged = 60, -- remove 1% every how many seconds without being damaged
            removeOnePercentOfRandomSkillFromHowManyPercent = 30, --from how many mental state percent it can start to remove skills?
            secondsToRemoveOnePercentOfRandomSkill = 60, -- remove one percent of random skill every how many seconds above required percents u set

Check out our other resources !
:house: WaveProperties - Properties/Garages Creator That You Need !
:brain: WaveSkills - Skills & Abilities
:gift: WavePlayTimeRewards - Rewards your players for their playtime
:red_car: WaveVehiclesPreview - Vehicles Catalog & Exhibitions


Is this encrypted?

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hey, yes it is, but you can edit every feature at your taste and add/remove levels from your other resources

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Im not seeing anything in the config for a lot of the upgrades that are mentioned, for example the run speed looks like its tied to strength rather than the stamina. Also it doesn’t look like you can edit the melee damage modifiers. Other than that it looks good

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Do you use stat ?

what do you mean?

Is there a way to move the stat ui to the other side of the screen? There is no such option in the config and almost everything of the script is locked.

is there a way to configure different effects so say stress reduction with a better mental state?