[PAID] WarZone HUD Based

WaveWZ-Hud is a standalone WarZone based HUD that do not use HTML !

Watch the showcase

WaveResources | WaveWZ-Hud - 10€ + taxes


  • NO HTML USED, only DrawRect & DrawSprite
  • Health bar, flashing when low hp
  • Armour bar separated in
  • Speaking, Driving,Shooting,Death Icons
  • Player Name & Server ID
  • Job Name, job2 supported
  • Nice icons
  • Hunger & Thirst bars separated in 5
  • can remove radar map, it will adapt the HUD
  • works on every resolutions
  • configurable colors,size,positions,sounds,images,features.
  • Hit marker with sounds
  • Low-HP screen effect
  • Perfect for all types of servers !
    And more…

Check out our other resources !
:house: WaveProperties - Properties/Garages Creator That You Need !
:brain: WaveSkills - Skills & Abilities
:gift: WavePlayTimeRewards - Rewards your players for their playtime
:red_car: WaveVehiclesPreview - Vehicles Catalog & Exhibitions

Config Example

    frameWork = "ESX", -- or QBCORE or STANDALONE

    getSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject", -- can be ignored if using other framework

    Bars = {

        DisplayRadar = true,

        Position = {x = 190,y = 1010},

        Health = {

            Position = {x = 155,y = 919},

            colors = {r = 197,g = 200,b=191,a=155},


        Armor = {

            Position = {x = 86,y = 904},


        Hunger = {

            enable = true,

            Position = {x = 72,y = 1022},

            colors = {r = 235,g = 182,b=29,a=155},

            getStatus = function()

                local hunger

                TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'hunger', function(status)

                    status = status.getPercent()

                    hunger = status


                while hunger == nil do Wait(0) end

                return hunger



        Thirst = {

            enable = true,

            Position = {x = 72,y = 1037},

            colors = {r = 29,g = 207,b=235,a=155},

            getStatus = function()

                local thirst

                TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'thirst', function(status)

                    status = status.getPercent()

                    thirst = status


                while thirst == nil do Wait(0) end

                return thirst




    Name = {

        enable = true,

        withServerId = true,

        withJobName = true,

        colors = {r = 255,g = 255,b=255,a=255},

        Position = {x = 55,y = 869}


    Star = {

        enable = true,

        Position = {x = 42,y = 884},

        Size = 16,


    Icons = {

        enable = true,

        Position = { x = 300, y=910},

        Size = 50,


    Money = {

        enable = true,

        Position = {x = 53, y = 922},

        colors = {r = 197,g = 200,b=191,a=200},

        Currency = "$",

        getFunction = function()

            for k,v in ipairs(ESX.PlayerData.accounts) do

                if v.name == "money" then

                    return v.money



            return 0



    blackMoney = {

        enable = true,

        Position = {x = 53, y = 922},

        colors = {r = 183,g = 18,b=26,a=155},

        Currency = "$",

        getFunction = function()

            for k,v in ipairs(ESX.PlayerData.accounts) do

                if v.name == "black_money" then

                    return v.money



            return 0



    Infos = {

        Position = {x = 53, y = 970},

        colors = {r = 197,g = 200,b=191,a=200},

        enable = true,

        withJobName = true,

        getJob = function()

            return ESX.PlayerData.job.label


        withJob2Name = true,

        getJob2 = function()

            return ESX.PlayerData.gang.label



    NearDeathEffect = {

        enable = true,

        underHealth = 20, -- will display effects under 20 hp


    HitMarker = {

        enable = true,

        playSound = true,

        sound = {



1 Like

I am not sure if “NOT USING HTML” is the best feature to announce. :joy: With nui it will be more optimized.

Are you actually using a mod menu in the preview ?

Hey, I use a menu that I start such as normal resource, where iS the problem ?

I know, but should I lie then ?

No, you should said nothing or do it with nui. :smile:

Anyways, you want money for something that is not optimized. It’s your business, but people should know that this isn’t great resource for their server, if they want good performance for their players. :man_shrugging:t2:

How can you be sure that is not
And ill ask you to dont send messages anymore as your behavior is. start by doing better, then we’ll talk again . Have a Nice day !

I am not sure if you can say me what I can do. :smile:

so you come spam the comments only because i did the hud using natives and not nui? why? please stop
hud run at 0.05ms thats not so bad using drawrect & drawsprite…

I don’t spam. You can thank me that your post is for a while on top of Releases category (jk). :joy:

I’ve been waiting for support for 2 days since it doesn’t work :person_shrugging: