[PAID] vsSafe

[PAID] vsSafe


The new safe system of VibeScripts allows you to safely handle the items and weapons of the players.

The script is written for ESX and you have the possibility to store weapons, items and black money of players in the vault.

The data is saved in the database using mysql-async.

Through a special caching logic we created a resource-saving system, which allows the user an easy handling of the safe without latency.

It also comes with a customizable log system as well as a fully editable language output in German and English

By means of the config it can be decided what can be stored. In addition, several parameters can be set for each vault.

The Script is compatible with vsHousingV2

Go to our Tebex-shop get your version for only 14.99€ .


Link to the Showcase Video


Config = {}

Config.OldVersion       = true          --Select your version (true = old version)

Config.Locale           = "en"

Config.Align            = 'top-left'
Config.Key              = 38

Config.DrawDistance     = 50            --The Distance where the safe-marker is visible
Config.InteractDistance = 2             --Set to size of marker at best

Config.EnableBlip       = true          --enable or disable all safe blips

Config.DefaultBlip      = {id = 814, color = 1, size = 0.8, name = "Safe", shortRange = true}                                       --The default blip if nothing is changed

Config.DefaultMarker    = {type = 1, size = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 0.5) , color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 100}, rotate = false}      --The default marker if nothing is changed

Config.EnableItems      = true          --Items can be put into the safe
Config.EnableWeapons    = true          --Weapons can be put into the safe
Config.EnableBlackmoney = true          --Blackmoney can be put into the safe

Config.checkForInvSpace = true          --Checks if you have enough space in your inventory. You can disable if you experience any problems with custom inventories.
Config.EnableWeaponStacking = true      --Enable if you want the weapons to stack. The player will loose any access ammo and attachments if enabled.

--WIP: Config.EnableSafeShare  = true          --Safes are shared across the map if you toggle it the server might lag and take a minute due to changing how the safes are stored in the database
--WIP: Config.DefaultLocation  = 'ExampleSafe' --Very important if you switch between share modes


    ExampleSafe = {                                                                                                         --Can be any name, must be unique
        blip = {id = 814, color = 1, size = 0.8, name = "Safe", shortRange = true},                                         --Blip can be nothing, false, true or a list of data as shown in the example
        marker = {type = 1, size = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 0.5) , color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 100}, rotate = false},      --Marker can be nothing or a list of data as shown in the example anything else will cause errors
        coords = vector3(0, 0, 0)                                                                                           --Coords of the Safe

    --A simple Version of the Template
    ExampleSafe = {                                                                                                         --Can be any name, must be unique
        coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)                                                                                     --Coords of the Safe


Config.Safes = {    --Put your safes here
    ExampleSafe = {                                                                                                         --Can be any name, must be unique
        coords = vector3(-1775.9347, -1156.1191, 13.0186)                                                                   --Coords of the Safe

-- Webhook settings

Config.BotName = "BotName"
Config.AuthorName = "Safe - Logs"
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]'

Config.EmbedColorAdd = '65352' -- Green
Config.EmbedColorRemove = '65352' -- Green

Config.EnableAddLog = false
Config.AddLog = ""

Config.EnableRemoveLog = false
Config.RemvoeLog = ""

Config.PutMessage = "**has included the following:**"
Config.TakeMessage = "**has outsourced the following:**"

Config.Notification = function (msg)


  • IDLE: 0.00ms

  • RUNNING: 0.01ms

Further Information

TEBEX: vsSafe

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

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1 Like

looks great thumbs up


Looks like esx_properties functions, the caching could open a security issue tbh

Tested it, and it works pretty well. Big Vouch

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