[PAID][VORP] Card Collection

:diamonds: Interactive Card Collection System for RedM :spades:

Players can search, collect, and manage cards scattered across the game world, adding an engaging side activity that encourages exploration and interaction.

:star2: Key Features

  • Predefined Collections:
    Includes 42 cards across 7 themed collections, such as “Far West,” “Indian,” and “Raiders.” Each collection contains up to 6 unique cards.
  • Card Placement in the World:
    The 42 cards are already spawned in-game, waiting for players to discover them.
    You can add or modify as many collections and cards as you want to fit your server’s needs.
  • Immersive Gameplay:
    A collectible sound (similar to official RDR2) plays when players are near a card, enhancing the discovery experience.
  • Customizable NUI:
    Players can access a user-friendly NUI menu using the /cards command or a client-side event to view collected cards.
    The entire NUI (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the interface to your server’s style.

:wrench: Admin Tools

  • Automatic Database Management: Automatically inserts new cards into the database for easy management.
  • Easy Configuration: Add or modify collections and cards directly via the configuration file.
  • Dynamic Card Placement: Use the /collection command to place cards dynamically at any location in the game.
  • Delete Cards: Use the /delcollection command to remove cards from the world.
  • Admin Group Control: Restrict admin commands to designated staff groups.

:floppy_disk: Persistent System

  • Save Data: All card placements and collections are stored in the database, ensuring data persistence across server restarts.
  • Real-Time Updates: Synchronizes card placements with all players in real time whenever changes are made.

:open_file_folder: Documentation

Visit the official documentation for setup and customization instructions:

Download : https://botilus.tebex.io/package/6591066

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements VORP
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)