[PAID] Viority Advanced Garage

:package: Viority Garage :package:


Showcase: Viority Garage - Advanced Garage System [Showcase] - YouTube

:wrench: Description:

The FiveM Script Viority Garage is a FiveM garage with which you can park/unpark and impound vehicles with a unique UI.

:wrench: Features:

• An unique UI.
• You can add unlimited garages.
• You can customize the blip.
• You can park all cars on restart.
• You can use Fees for park or unpark.
• You can rotate and zoom the vehicle.
• You can impound your car if it is not stored.
• You have 3 different types of garages (cars, boats and aircrafts).
• You can adjust the MySQL columns by yourself.
• An Debug Mode to identify bugs.
• Custom Locales for two languages.
• Notifications that can be individually changed.
• ESX events and prefix customizable.
• Low ms (0.00ms - 0.02ms).

:wrench: Requirements:

• Newest FiveM Artifact
• es_extended 1.1 / 1.2 / Legacy

:wrench: Information:

Obfuscated & IP Locked

:wrench: Buy:

Buy it on our Discord (19.99€)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements ESX 1.1/1.2/Legacy
Support Yes (Discord Ticket)

Does it save vehicle damage and fuel levels? Also is the vehicle dupe fixen because a lot of garage scripts have that

Sorry for the late reply,

unfortunately I have to disappoint you there our garage does not store the Vehicle damage or the Fuel Damage. I don’t think the duping is possible, because an animation is executed, which prevents the fast parking in and out.

With kind regards
Viority Development


Obfuscation and IP Lock is against the ToS. Already flagged the Post.

Oh and not sure about the way you sell this. (dc)

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Unlisted to confirm this use of “IP locking” and obfuscation.