[PAID] Tobacco Robbery | mester_tobaccorobbery




Config.lua Preview

About the script:
-Resource resmon: 0.00-0.04
-Fully Configurable
-3 language (EN; HU; DE)
-Obfuscated by FiveM escrow system
-Active support
-Protected triggers
-Log system

Discord LOG Preview:


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1100
Requirements None
Support Yes
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Nice try my friend. I would suggest you do these changes for a better overall experience.

  • Change the location, doesn’t make sense to have it in the scrapyard (maybe the weed farm)
  • Increase the distance where peds will spawn. it does not look good when they spawn right in your face
  • For cash grabbing, there is an animation where the cash actually disappears (synced animations) try to experiment with that

Great release keep it up!

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Hi! Thank you for writing down your suggestions, I appreciate it! I will try to follow your suggestions in the next update.

Update to Version 1.1 is now out!

  • Now in the Config we can set the disctance to start the robbery
  • Default location changed to weed farm
    New Preview video

Update to Version 1.2 is now out!

You can now set up jobs in Config that can see on the map where the player with the stolen box is located.

Update to Version 1.3 is now out!

  • There are now help messages for players to know what to press when near to interaction
  • It is now possible to set in Config whether other players should be able to sell tobacco
  • Now you can edit the interaction key in the Config