[PAID][Standalone] - Simple Ped Despawn

This is our first release of a VERY SIMPLE NPC Crowd Control resource.

This is being released for people with very little scripting knowledge (like myself) that want a resource that despawns NPC’s in zones based on coordinates and radius.

In our case: We use an MLO that effects the driving paths of NPC’s. So rather than just having them continue to drive into the MLO, you can despawn them.

NOTE: We have partnered with Blockz with his latest Border Map. Our config is pre-configured to fix the driving paths and issues where peds interact weirdly with the map. It is VERY easy to change the locations.

How difficult is it to configure coordinates: VERY EASY

Config Preview
Purchase ($5)

For any questions/support please reach out to: moeloc on Discord.

Code is accessible No, only config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 30
Requirements n/a
Support Yes

Updated to be Standalone. Works for QB/ESX

Don’t want to be rude but 30 lines of code should not be a paid resource.

I’d love to say that about some of the releases we see :stuck_out_tongue:
It is more so of the convenience of it all already being done.

I have noted it is a very simple script that does solely what it is intended to do.

Here is a Free version will do the samething but without you losing $5

just copy and paste the code to any client script you want

Code :

local ZonesConfig = {}

-- Here you can add the zone where you want peds to be deleted
ZonesConfig.NoPedsZones = {
    --just copy and paste the line and change coords, radius
    {coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius = 100.0 },

-- Here you can add the zone where you want vehicles to be deleted
ZonesConfig.NoVehiclesZones = {
    --just copy and paste the line and change coords, radius
    {coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius = 100.0 },

    while true do
        for k, v in pairs(ZonesConfig.NoPedsZones) do
            ClearAreaOfPeds(v.coords, v.radius, 1)

        for k, v in pairs(ZonesConfig.NoVehiclesZones) do
            ClearAreaOfVehicles(v.coords, v.radius, false, false, false, false, false)

Doesn’t matter how convenient it is. its also against the paid releases rules.

I dont wana be that guy but…

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You’re not being that guy~

I wasn’t aware. Thanks :slight_smile:

Too simple, <50 lines, not the quality we expect of paid releases.