- | Clean & Responsive UI
- | Optimised to 0.00ms CPU while idle
- | Easy to use
- | Standalone
--Register a text ui
os_textui.register("textui_testid", {
coords = vector3(0,0,0), --The corods that textui will be displayed
letter = "E", --The letter that will be displayed in the interact distance
description = "You can write everything here!", --The text that will be displayed in the interact distance
displayDist = 5, --Read Config.lua
interactDist = 5, --Read Config.lua
--Remove an existing textui
os_textui.remove("textui_testid") --Remove the UI from cache if ID exist!
--Update an existing textui (coords, letter, description)
os_textui.update("textui_testid", {
coords = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the coords / vector3 if you want to update.
letter = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the letter / string if you want to update.
description = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the description / string if you want to update.
- | Link: Youtube
Examples included
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 300+ |
Requirements | No |
Support | Yes |