[PAID][STANDALONE] Orion Studios TextUI

:package: os_textui:

  • | Clean & Responsive UI
  • | Optimised to 0.00ms CPU while idle
  • | Easy to use
  • | Standalone

:computer: Functions:

--Register a text ui
os_textui.register("textui_testid", {
    coords = vector3(0,0,0), --The corods that textui will be displayed
    letter = "E", --The letter that will be displayed in the interact distance
    description = "You can write everything here!", --The text that will be displayed in the interact distance
    displayDist = 5, --Read Config.lua
    interactDist = 5, --Read Config.lua

--Remove an existing textui
os_textui.remove("textui_testid") --Remove the UI from cache if ID exist!

--Update an existing textui (coords, letter, description)
os_textui.update("textui_testid", {
    coords = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the coords / vector3 if you want to update.
    letter = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the letter / string if you want to update.
    description = false, --Leave it false if you dont want to update the description / string if you want to update.

:movie_camera: Preview

:money_with_wings: Purchase

:page_facing_up: Examples included

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300+
Requirements No
Support Yes

can replace the qbcore drawtext?

Yes! Its standalone, can work in any framework.

My dude is on fire :smile: Wish you a great start bro!!

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Thank you so much mate! :smile:

is it support for multiple options in 1 location with keyboard arrow buttons?

Hello, no its working just like a marker not a menu. But you can intergrade it with any script you want. Its a nice idea for a future update, thank you so much! :smile:

This UI is so smoothly great job

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the best text ui

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Well done my brother :hugs: :hugs:

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Thank you!

Thanks mate

Thank brother!