[PAID] [STANDALONE] NEW UI UPDATE! Cylex ANIMATION MENU V2 +6700 EMOTE (Custom Emotes, Dances, Sync Emotes, Gang Signs AND MORE!)

Question. If i were to purchase the escrowed version, would i be able to access the html and change where it says “Cylex Animation Menu” to the server name instead?

Yes, you can change any color on ui but you cant change ui design.

Yes, you can change the “Cylex Animation Menu” in .js

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When i am ask for refund he say is not refudable but we are living in EU and law say up to 14 days sellers need to refund. Mabye Turkish law say other. But you need respect EU, UK, USA etc, law. You as well have a tools to revoke the scripts etc. is not 1 time use digital item and is gone no you can take me that scripts i will add more money i buy that for 60 euro. But you say some stupid 20% Discount ? ! for me is SCAM on any dev team i dont have that issue with creator like are toxic.

Contact tebex for the refund.


  • Removed broken gangsigns and props.
  • Removed most of the unnecessary dances.
  • Added 3 new camp chair animations.
  • Added new axe and pickaxe animations.
  • Shared are now in a separate category.
  • There is now a sign on the animations showing whether they are shared or not.
  • Gif loading have been made smooth.
  • FullBody has been added to animSettings.
  • Fixed some ptxes were showing black colour or ptfxcolor was not working.
  • Fixed the problem that caused the animpos to stay inside the walls.
  • Fixed an issue where scripts like chat would open when typing in the search box.
  • Fixed handspocket, slap, carry, standbag animations.
  • All non-loop animations have been made loop.
  • New animpos added.
  • Fixed performance issues when the menu is closed.
  • Removed unused custom animations from the stream.


  • Ability to switch gifs off/on has been added.
  • Streamer mode added.
  • v1 style menu design added.

You can watch update preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSfXIocX0ec

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I just started using this on my server and we love it.
The UI is very responsive, no lag at all, which I was worried about. the sequence function is very nice. Great for music performances. I’m very happy the rpemotes portion is in its own folder and is open source.

I pointed out a small concern I had to Cylex in his discord and he had it fixed for me within 1 hour.
One of the fastest support responses I’ve ever seen.

I will be adding my own custom anims to this too, it’s very easy to do.

It’s a great script.

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