Cameras are already configured for item usage, if you want to change that, you can edit the public scripts and call the item callback ( so yes, you can change it ).

The access is configured by you in the config file and it can change for every category.

:globe_with_meridians: NEW UPDATE :globe_with_meridians:


Fixed the possibility for the camera to not rotate
Added debug mode
Fixed the “camera showing myself” problem

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:globe_with_meridians: NEW UPDATE :globe_with_meridians:

Added the possibility to delete a camera via UI!
Hovering with the mouse on the camera in the UI will make a small trash bin appear in the upper right corner, allowing players to delete cameras!

SOON: Complex permission system ( management, view only, delete )

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Possible to add locations via ui?

Not yet, features are being implemented one by one ( depending on how many requests I get ).
It is a planned feature tho

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Is there a DVR system or can you make one that could hold the last 5 minutes or so, so it doesn’t bog down the server too much.

hi is compatible con qb-core frameworks?

just purchaded pal, how can i set so only some jobs can see there own zones ?

Take a look at the initial config, specifically the “management” syntax

thanks mate got it sorted, will there be a way to add in game at some point ??

Probably, but not shortly since I’m quite busy atm

Can’t open menu interface

Please contact me through provided support means to be helped.

hey just wondering when you open the tablet is there a way to make multiple tabs so for EG you currently have the Pacific standard is it possible to have
Pacific standard

Yes, you can configure the zones and then choose between them in the tablet

how would i configure zones in the config file ?

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There’s an example table named “pacific” that you can just copy paste and rename

Does this camera system Record for playbacks or storage for police to review after the fact.


It doesn’t

Are you able to switch between cameras you have access to while in the camera view mode? That’s about the only thing stopping me from straight up buying this. It looks great otherwise!

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