Landing zone Alarm!
Video Showcase:
Use the /lzalarm command and place an emergency landing site down on the ground below you, whilst being in a helicopter! It will then create a marker, speed zone and helicopter siren sounds (Sound backend provided by LondonStudios). This script includes a customizable discord webbook integration. Everything is configurable in the configuration file. Check out the readme for installation instructions.
- Configurable markers, text and commandname.
- Includes a discord webhook integration for alerts on discord.
- Includes PlayCustomSounds (by @LondonStudios) with the soundfile for your helicopter siren.
- Plays sound in area for each player in area, configurable.
- Toggle-able flares.
- Free updates, suggest yours!
- Completely stand-alone.
Does not include the helicopter or EUP. These are purchased assets by Third Party Artists.
Obtain the resource via our Tebex store
Our other resources:
- Natural Disasters + DLC 1 & DLC2 & DLC3 & DLC4 BUNDLE or obtain them separately:
- Natural Disasters (required to purchase the DLC1/2/3/4)
- Natural Disasters DLC1 (required to purchase DLC2)
- Natural Disasters DLC2 (required to purchase DLC3)
- Natural Disasters DLC3 (required to purchase DLC4)
- Natural Disasters - DLC4 (Tsunami’s in FiveM)
- Vehicle Spawns
- Aircraft Radar FiveM
- Night Shifts - MDT
- Air Raid Sirens
- YT Ambilight Loadingscreen
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- Ammoboxes & Crates
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- Boat Rescue
- Discord Lockers
- Discord Linked Weapon Crates
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- Discord Linked Spawn Selector
- Airtstrikes FiveM
- Onto the seas! (Anchoring, mooring & depth meter
- Handheld Smoke Generator
- Props & Speedzones v2
- Mechanic & Recovery Job
- Vehicle Lift
- Discord linked admin system
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- Discord API
- Easy Vehicle Locks
- Easy Zones
- Gemstone Mining Job
- Landing zone alarm
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