[PAID] [STANDALONE] Better Wildlife (Animal Spawning)

Better Wildlife is a highly configurable and immersive resource for your fivem roleplay server. It provides the opportunity for server owners to step up their roleplay experience by enabling authentic wildlife. By doing so, animals will begin to spawn all over the map in many natural places such as forests, deserts and many other zones. You can even configure what animals should spawn in which zone of the map, and if they are hostile to players or not. This in particular helps to create a more authentic and realistic atmosphere around your server and makes exploring the wild even more fun!


  • Natural Spawning Algorithms for Animals
  • Hostile Behavior for Animals
  • Group Spawning of Populations
  • Configurable Zones & Exceptions
  • Population Control & Despawning Algorithms
  • Outstanding Customization
  • Secured NetEvents & Server Spawning
  • Serverwide Entity Sync
  • Support for Domesticated Animals

Preview Video & Images

Link: Preview
Images: Better Wildlife - Album on Imgur

Runtime Performance

Client: ~0.01-0.03 ms (when active)

Server: ~0.00-0.30 ms (depends on player count)

Available Exports

GetAppropriateAnimalModel(string: zone)
IsExcludedZone(string: zone)
IsEntityAnAnimal(any: entity)
GetSpawnPoint(vector: coords, hash: model)
GetSpawnPointFromVehicle(vector: coords, hash: model, vector: direction)
IsExcludedZone(string: zone)
IsEntityAnAnimal(any: entity)


  • OneSync
  • FX Server 5181+

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Other Resources

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements Listed above
Support Yes

Review video please ! Thanks

I love it :fire: good job bro.
I would be very happy if you post a short video about it.

1 Like

Excuse me, what are the problems with animals that are resurrected by the game itself?

Excuse me, what are the problems with animals that are resurrected by the game itself?

Great question!
The problem that this resource aims to fix is when server owners decide to disable/reduce pedestrian population, which unfortunately also results in the removal of animals. Better Wildlife therefore allows server owners to disable default ped population while maintaining natural wildlife, plus customizing its spawning behavior etc.

1 Like

Can I stop NPCs but with animals?

It is possible to spawn People too?

Review video please ! Thanks

I love it :fire: good job bro.
I would be very happy if you post a short video about it.

Preview video has been added to the post.
If the embedded version does not work here is the link.

Yes, basically. But you also gain a lot of additional control on how and what animal will spawn in which location/zone.

UPDATE 1.0.1

What did change?

→ Added /wipeAnimals command that deletes all animals (command.wipeAnimals permission)
→ Added support for appropriate spawning of domesticated animals such as dogs or cats
→ Reduced the likelihood of occasional “out of place spawnpoints”
→ Fixed some default zone configurations where large animals would spawn on the highway
→ Fixed cayo perico typo in config.lua that prevented some animals from spawning there
→ Minor performance improvements on the client
→ Reduced overall memory utilisation



Hello, bought this script, and when I installed it my character could not spawn at all. It was stuck on a black loading screen. Does this conflict with another script?

Framework: QBCore
Version: Latest

Hello, bought this script, and when I installed it my character could not spawn at all. It was stuck on a black loading screen. Does this conflict with another script?

Framework: QBCore
Version: Latest

Hello, this is unfortunate to hear. Have you checked if all dependencies are fullfilled? Is FX-Server (artifacts) up to date? You might want to try another version. Is onesync enabled? Have you tried starting Better Wildlife isolated with just qbcore?

This beahvior seems really strange since Better Wildlife does not interfere with client/server loading in any way.

EDIT: Just tested Better Wildlife with qb-core 1.10 and FX-Server 5562 and it works completely fine. No loading issues on the client and no errors thrown. I highly suspect this is an issue on your end, as I cannot replicate this on latest qb-core and artifacts. Please consider checking for script errors and report them appropriately.

Hello, thanks you very much for this usefull script!

I have one question: do we have any option to block dog attacking ped on city?

Thanks you very much

1 Like

Thanks for the feedback! I will look into adding more control over animal AI.
Stay tuned for the next update :smiley:

1 Like

Thanks you very much!!

Last thing, at 53 players, the script run at 2/4ms. Maybe i have do a bad config?
I have ESX.

Here a profiler record:

UPDATE 1.0.3

What did change?

→ Made major adjustments to networking in order to reduce unecessary cpu load on the server
→ Made spawned dogs by default unable to attack players (can be disabled)
→ Added netfrequency config option to further improve perfromance
→ Added despawn timer to the configuration file for more control over animal gc
→ Added various options for animal populations that allow even further customization of their behaviour


Regarding issues with high server cpu load try adjusting Config.NetFrequency to a higher value if you still encounter those problems. Following updates will continue to adress server performance.

Thanks to Stereo973 for reporting this issue.

Update can be downloaded from keymaster.


Oh yeah! Very nice update in short time!!!

I update and test this evening, i will let you know the difference.

Thanks you very much!!


is the performance fixed?

I think this just looks beautiful. Great job!

1 Like

Hello, this could be used to breed for example a specific type of animal in a specific area? I would like for example to spawn some cats inside the cafeuwu of gabz or things like that. is it possible with this script?