[Paid] Simple Dealership (Vehicle, Aircraft, Helicopter, Boats) [Standalone/ESX)

As of now no but it can and should be added now that I think of it.

when you buy a vehicle with esx does it add to a table owned_vehicles?
does it work with addons? speed etc?

When a vehicle is bought on the ESX version it is added to the owned_vehicles table. A SQL file is included to create said table if it does not exist already. Yes this resource works with addons however certain values such as speed, acceleration, handling, etc are already written within the JSON files included however they are not required therefore you can add additional vehicles with any of those stats. In fact the only details that are required are the vehicle name, spawn name (model name) and cost.

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Hello I was looking for your Discord but i could find it. i bought the shop and wanted to ask if there is the possibility to display a message after buying a vehicle like in the normal shop: You bought “Carname” with the plate: “plate” :smiley_cat:

Edit: I can say yes, the script is really good. I have a few suggestions for improvement here:

  • During the test drive, the other players do not see the vehicle and you just bug through the ground or in the air a fix would be nice

  • Maybe you can add a option to Disable “Speed, Accel, Braking, Handling ui” In case some don’t want it

Hey thanks for the feedback. There is an invite link on the product page on Tebex, I would put a link here but that is against the Release category rules.

  • Regarding invisible vehicles I should be able to fix that easily and quickly so thanks for that.
  • Blacklisting particular stats will be added shortly too.

I’ll post here as always when an update is pushed.

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Simple Dealer has been updated to 1.4!

  • Vehicles are now created server-side if taken for a test drive or purchased.
  • Cleaned up SQL to only include used fields.
  • Specific stats can now be blacklisted. (“Speed”, “Accel”, “Braking”, “Handling”, “Overall”, “SeatCapacity”, “DriveTrain”, “Weight”, “TopSpeed”)
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Thanks for the fast update! Good support :heart_eyes_cat:

I want this but can i add my own addon cars to be bought? Also how easy is it to incorporate a hybrid framework

Cars can be easily added inside their respective json category. The resource isn’t encrypted and supports pre-existing frameworks therefore implementation should be straight forward.

Alright I just bought and love it havn’t done full testing yet however I am looking over the non esx version what files should i put my own framework in? I use a custom standalone framework and want to incorporate the money.

Another thing is how long does it take to deliver? I will purchase in non-ESX version and just says user trying to buy then never spawns in for the buyer to drive?

The non-ESX version (standalone) does not implement a means for spawning the vehicle once purchased, I would suggest reading my reply to your post above.

The source code is there for you to implement your framework. I suggest looking TryPayment on line 476 which is called whenever a player attempts to buy a vehicle.

Okay perfect I did think that but was not sure. Do you have a simple line of code i can put in temporally to spawn the vehicles? Just waiting on my framework creator NAT2K15 to get back to me on implementing my framework. Also, man great release