[PAID] Scully Weapon Sling v3 (Synced with attachments, tints and variants!)

Weapon Sling v3

Tired of awkwardly stashing your gear where the sun doesn’t shine? Say goodbye to uncomfortable weapon placements – embrace the convenience of our weapon sling!


  • Easily customize sling locations through the user-friendly config or the optional, player-centric interface. Put your weapons exactly where you want them.

  • Standalone and hassle-free, will work on any server.

  • Bridge system for those using frameworks with ox_inventory support by default.

  • Enjoy synchronized weapon positions across players, complete with attachments, tints, and weapon variants.

  • Embrace the ease of auto-slinging weapons onto your back. Say hello to a more practical and comfortable way of carrying your arsenal.

Purchase: Weapon Sling v3
Purchase Source: Weapon Sling v3 Source

Code is accessible Only on source version
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements None
Support Yes

thanks scully, very cool

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First :wink:

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Does this sytem create tornados?! i find some sling systems can HEAVILY bug out players

Do tints work as well?

No tornado issues during testing on foot and in vehicles :slight_smile:

We use qs-inventory, which turns weapons into inventory items instead of having a weapon wheel…

Will this work with that type of system? Ive tried 2 other slings but they dont work because the weapons arnt in the weapon wheel.

Does this work with addon weapons and/or replace weapon models?

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It has 2 functions in the config where you can add/remove your items if you use weapon items on your server :slight_smile:

Yes, you can add any weapon to the config

When a player changes clothes does it update the weapon? or does the weapon go invisible

If they change clothing the weapon will stay :slight_smile:

i guess im spending money! XD

oh does it automatically set it to the sling if it is in there inventory?

dope script, seems easy to use too

is it working on ox-inventory?

This works also for pistol?

How is the performance?

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Works with any weapon added to the Config