Hello, i am not exactly sure where to ask that because i have tried everything.
I have created messages directly to @moderators and also created a support ticket on their website but i get no responses, i have 3 paid scripts pending but no declined or approved, just pending ones for too long! I also have a pending script for over 25 days and i watch daily scripts to be approved.
So i am not really sure what is the issue because they always replied, always approved pending scripts and now i am waiting a month without replying anywhere or responding.
Sorry if this is not the correct place but i really cant contact nowhere.
I also want to mention that this started happening after i placed a script for approval and it got declined because of low effort (no screenshots) when i had a whole video showcase based on the script and this message was sent by system and asked me to reply or send again for approval and after that, nothing at all.
Responding to paid scripts takes max 3-10 days.