Hello world!

This system allows you to repair your vehicle, when there is no active mechanic.

in necessary that activated
ensure baseevents

Notify is not included

(tebex.io 6€ + tax)

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Can it be placed at multiple points at the same time?

if you can, in cfg you have it, you can add more

Config.Repairs = {
carPos = {x = 536.32531738282, y = -176.87956237792, z = 53.929058074952, h = 270.564453125},
pedPos = {x = 541.36138916016, y = -180.55973815918, z = 54.481346130372, h = 86.319763183594},
pedGoTo = {x = 539.30987548828, y = -176.83815002442, z = 54.481327056884, h = 87.378852844238}
carPos = {x = -197.88426208496, y = -1383.7662353516, z = 30.683526992798, h = 31.149616241456},
pedPos = {x = -203.5983581543, y = -1380.9343261718, z = 31.25824546814, h = 259.05749511718},
pedGoTo = {x = -199.50221252442, y = -1381.1126708984, z = 31.258241653442, h = 209.14459228516}
carPos = {x = 1185.0626220704, y = 2651.2624511718, z = 37.258098602294, h = 230.68811035156},
pedPos = {x = 1189.3254394532, y = 2646.8039550782, z = 37.850803375244, h = 39.869640350342},
pedGoTo = {x = 1187.327758789, y = 2649.4973144532, z = 37.85041809082, h = 50.482948303222}
carPos = {x = 111.12866973876, y = 6607.0366210938, z = 31.301216125488, h = 91.436332702636},
pedPos = {x = 105.13670349122, y = 6611.673828125, z = 31.948932647706, h = 227.2891998291},
pedGoTo = {x = 108.12251281738, y = 6607.0166015625, z = 31.822799682618, h = 268.09997558594}
carPos = {x = 1157.494140625, y = -770.46887207031, z = 57.47876739502, h = 182.98},
pedPos = {x = 1157.2423095703, y = -776.95501708984, z = 57.598731994629, h = 351.86},
pedGoTo = {x = 1157.6710205078, y = -773.22033691406, z = 57.548892974854, h = 8.35}

thank you. esx support right ?

yes, if you have a problem, know

Cannot be used. Spawn npcs normally.

doing right?
ensure baseevents
start esx_carfix

Config = {}

Config.Ped = GetHashKey("mp_m_waremech_01")

Config.WaitTime = 30000

Config.PriceMultipler = 40.0

Config.Repairs = {
        carPos = {x = -707.81842041016, y = -1444.9985351562, z = 4.8392133712769, h = 229.4927520752},
        pedPos = {x = -704.47869873047, y = -1447.689453125, z = 5.297477722168, h = 53.864963531494},
        pedGoTo = {x = -706.27661132812, y = -1446.5394287109, z = 5.2666707038879, h = 46.721675872803}

ensure baseevents
ensure esx_carfix
If you have a problem, I will send you baseevents

thank pls sent to me

Hate to say it, it’s not working for me, either. The NPC is spawned. Blips are on the map. I spawned a car (I used /car since I am an admin,) and banged it up. I pull in, he just stands there diddling on his phone. He does not move at all, there are no error messages in the F8 console. I get no help notifications, and he does not move when I tap the “E” key. I do have baseevents and ensured it first just to be safe.

Oddly there are two guys at the garage in Mirror Park, and other NPCs have pulled up, too.

I send you now

Ok, I’ll try it in the next few hours. if i encounter any problem I will tell you

Thanks, it’s a good script. and get a quick fix from the developer.

I have to give props to Liro, he spent time on Discord with me ironing out a few things. That sort of support will make you a sought after developer as you offer more products for sale.

I am not a scripter myself (yet) but I have a long history of tech support and beta testing for two decades as a professional before I retired. So there are two criticisms I will offer:

  • This was tested on your system with your own (paid) car HUD. The HUD looks good, but you should make your script work in as much of a plain, vanilla environment as possible.

  • You made your script dependent on dopeNotify as well. Now you did indicate in the listing that ”notify not provided." That’s fair, but I had to replace nine calls from the client with my notification script of choice. Not being a coder, this would have been a nightmare had I not been cleaning up other scripts and unifying notifications into one system. Other server owners may not fare as well. This falls in with my first point, make your scripts as agnostic as possible.

But you’re still getting it right with the great script ideas. This is far better than the other automatic repair scripts I have tried. And A Plus on service after the sale!

really, thanks

where can i download the baseevents?

the same download package is included

can u use it from inside ur car

I do not understand the question well, repair without car loss?

no can u repair while inside the car