[PAID - RELEASE] Harvest Activity

Hello everyone,
today I present to you my harvest activity script.

Quick description:

This script will allow you to create your own harvest activity (vegetables, fruit, drugs, and many more) in minutes or even seconds. With a simple and complete configuration you would not waste time.

How to add your own harvest activity ?

Nothing’s easier ! just add the parameters of your activity in the file following the example in the demo or as the apple harvest activity that there is already.


  • Activity creation in few minutes/seconds (see the demo )

  • Customization of the animation for each activity

  • Customization of a few keys

  • Custom the notifications icon

  • Custom the messages in different languages EN and FR (You can obviously add others by following the existing configuration pattern)


  • Any version of ESX or EXM

If you want to customize this script you can possibly contact me to make this modification.

Soon script ?

I may later create an item sales system that will complete this one. If you are interested, please let me know. :smile:

Resale of items:

If you don’t have a resale system for items, I have made a free script that allows you to create a Wholesaler Market.

Price: 8.99 EUR (without taxes)

Preview: HarvestActivity demo

To buy the script go to my corresponding tebex page:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me, I will answer them as quickly as possible.


Got to ask why aint you using vector3 insted of x, y, z format?

I would just say out of habit :smile:

What makes this any different from the many many free scripts here on the forums? What makes this different and worth £10?

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It’s very simple, you can create as many harvesting activity as you want, all in minutes, very easily. A single script that groups them all, no more having to have a script per activity. :smile:

I will combine this with esx_drugs and farm for my routes :slight_smile: thanks for that one!

No problem, it’s a pleasure! :smile:

interesting! looking good!

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My intention is not to shit on you or anything but the following script does the same thing

There is no real difference if I am honest.

These script sales are going wonky, I mean, someone has made a job script and is selling it for what …$20 they have then done a C&P, changed the job name and type and selling it for the same price side by side. Its the same thing as the last script they have for sale just a different job, what’s stopping them making 5 others and selling them all.


I can’t know all the scripts that have been released, so there will necessarily be scripts that have the same Idea. Me, I offer my scripts, whoever is interested, he takes it otherwise he just won’t take it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice release, but toooooo expensive

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Ok, I’m giving everyone 25% off for 2 days, so go for it! :smile:

I just added the script to resell items. :smile:

im getting this issue when i start the script up

for lines 88 and 108 of client main

send me your config.lua in private message

Sent you a dm with the config

This stuff is so overpriced lmao

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Hello, no this script it’s no crypted. :smiley:

This IS the BEST harvest script out!!! SNAG IT WHILE YOU CAN!! :100:

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