[PAID] [QBCore & ESX] Cave Mining | Realistic & Unique Mining on FiveM

I fixed mine u need to change your progress bar to either an original release or u need to fix a custom one in the times it takes to complete :+1:

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we are using ps-progressbar, when you say fix custom one in the times what exactly did you do…

so like how long the task completes in the custom one may not be correct with the script as for us this was the case we just went back to qb-progress

Ye i tried and put qb progress back in but if you go to the smelter and cancel it with esc it will get stuck on you are doing something when you try to use it again Let me know if this is the case with you aswell

I purchased your mining plugin, but I’m having a problem now, can you help me?

In my opinion,

  1. Script uses qb-input on esx (depreciated) but there are ways to use ox-lib but developer has excuse of “Project” which has been going on for 2 months now, to fix issues that will take less than 10 mins.
  2. There are bugs, where the player can do animation to cancel certain actions and it will let them exploit and bug out the the event to blow rocks and let them do it over and over without waiting the progbar.
  3. You get banned for asking for updates.
  4. He tells players to “purchase” the script again instead of telling them to actually check if it’s in the correct keymaster, or if they have the restarted. No direct help, just states purchase it again.

No support/no longer maintained.

I left my suggestion on 09/29/2022 for conversion to ox-lib and even offered my help.

Is this script still offering support and maintained, people seem to be purchasing and saying no support is offered and no maintenance on it?

Hy Dolaji and forum
Pls help, my problem:

You lack the required entitlement to use ds-mining
Couldn’t start resource ds-mining.

everything is there, what’s wrong? thx