[PAID] [QBCore Based] KOKOROG MoneyCase

This resource is encrypted with FiveM escrow

After purchase you can access the script at https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants

You can buy it on Tebex – Just 10 euro

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Fully customizable resource using QBCore based framework

Limit on how much money player can store in one moneycase

Every moneycase is unique

Choice to have prop in player hand if they have moneycase in inventory

Even that its encrypted most part is not like menus, props and others


QBCore based framework (you can change to your core from config.lua like qb-, IF- or the way your core is maded) - IT HAVE TO BE A QBCore BASED OR SMILLAR

Any notification resource (you can edit it from config)

OxMysql or MySqlAsync - probably and others will work – fxmanifest. lua

qb-menu or other its editable

qb-input or other its editable

The Config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Core = 'qb-core' -- your core prefix

Config.Prop = true  -- When having a moneycase in inventory it spawns a prop in player hand

Config.Price = 1000 -- price of the moneycase

Config.Limit = 1000 -- Max money that player can have in moneycase

-- Translates

Config.T1 = "You don't have enough money to buy a case"

Config.T2 = "You have purchased a money briefcase"

Config.T3 = "You don't have enough money"

Config.T4 = "You deposited: "

Config.T5 = "You withdrawed: "

Config.T6 = "No enought space in your moneycase! Max space: "

function ShowNotification(msg, type)

    local QBCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject() -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script

    QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type) -- -- dont change IFCore as it will break the script


    --exports['okokNotify']:Alert("MultiJob", msg, 5000, type) 

    -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can be export)


function ShowNotificationServer(source, msg, type)

 --TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, "MultiJob", msg, 5000, type)

    TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, msg, type)

 -- you can change that to your own CLIENT SIDE (can't be export)



CREATE TABLE `moneybriefcase` (

  `pin` varchar(999) NOT NULL,

  `money` varchar(999) NOT NULL


The Item

-- KOKO-MoneyBriefCase

["moneybriefcase"]    = {
["name"] = "moneybriefcase",    
["label"] = "Brief Case", 
["weight"] = 150,
["type"] = "item", 
["image"] = "moneycase.png",
["unique"] = true, 
["useable"] = true,
["shouldClose"] = true, 
["combinable"] = nil,
["description"] = "Money inside"},
Code is accessible Some parts
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements QbCore based framework, Notify script, qb-input or similar, qb-menu or alternative, oxmysql or alternative
Support Yes in Discord

This is interesting. Is it possible to make more items like this? Example: paperbag, dufflebag and so on?

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Everything is possible :smiley:
If you want open a ticket in my discord and describe your idea

Please make sure to include the paid releases template.

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Sorry i forgot about this :smile:

is the image ai generated?

Yes it is

haha nice one