[PAID] /PostCode Command Script | Automatically Set Marker For Postal Code Number

/PostCode Command Script is a FiveM Standalone Script that allows you to automatically set a marker for a postal code on the map. You can see all the postal codes if you have the oulsen_satmap.

The script make it very easy for players to know eachothers positions by just giving their Current Street Postal Code, and the other player will simply type /postcode <ex: 540>.

You can change the command name, notifications… via the configurable file.



Code is accessible Yes (for opensource version) and No (for escrow version)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements oulsen_satmap
Support Yes

Sinaps Development Team.

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You are really selling this ?


Yes Sir, It is a sort of a beginning for my carreer in selling scripts.

idk why people keep trying to sell something that is free smh :roll_eyes:


As long as it’s my work, I can sell whatever I want. :wink:

How so ?

You are really charging money for something already exists, with way more features built in and for FREE?

What do you think is worth $15 in this script? Your 3 lines written command? I really have never seen anything so unnecessary by far.

That script you linked hasn’t worked for like half a year bro

umm when hasn’t it worked? I am literally using it as I am writing this post lmao


This is just a simpler version of the script. I am totally free, and I can sell whatever I’ve done. Thank you for the remark anyways.

@ZurgTeam what do you mean by working on huds ?

Actually on the contrary yours is a simpler version of the free script, the free script has more features than yours :joy: and I’m willing to bet the source code looks the exact same as the free one all you did was add the ability to config the command and notifications but you think you deserve $15 for it? I’m all for selling things you make, but you didn’t make this.

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local Postals = json.decode(LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), "/json/postals.json"))

	TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/postal', 'Mark Wanted Postal Number', {
		{ name="Number", help="Postal Number" },

	local WantedPostal = tonumber(args[1])
	if not WantedPostal then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "Enter Valid Postal Code") end
	local Found = false
	for i, p in ipairs(Postals) do
		if tonumber(WantedPostal) == tonumber(p.code) then
			exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("success", "Location Marked")
			Found = true
	if not Found then return exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error", "That Postal Code Didnt Found") end
