[PAID] NPCs Talk AI System - Interact with NPC with story and more [Chat GPT] [STANDALONE]

Introducing “NPC Talk AI System with chatgpt”

:rocket: Experience the Future of NPC Interaction

Welcome to a revolutionary step in the world of FiveM: the “NPC Talk AI System”. This innovative tool is designed to transform the way players interact with non-player characters (NPCs), integrating advanced artificial intelligence to create a more dynamic and realistic experience.

Made with @SeriumTW

:star2: Key Features:

  1. Main NPCs with Complex Stories: Immerse yourself in the rich narratives of our main NPCs. Each character is crafted with a unique backstory and personality, offering deep, engaging gameplay essential for main missions and story progression.

  2. Generic Zone NPCs: Enhance your game areas with zone-specific NPCs. These characters bring life and authenticity to every corner of your game world, ensuring a more immersive and dynamic environment.

  3. Compatibility and Flexibility: Our system is built to integrate effortlessly with any FiveM framework, including QBCore and ESX. Its standalone nature guarantees easy installation and broad application across various server types.

  4. Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence: Experience realistic and contextual responses from NPCs, thanks to our advanced AI. Each interaction is unique, adding to the memorability of your gaming experience.

  5. Revolutionary Gaming Experience: Elevate your FiveM server with an unprecedented level of realism and immersion. The NPC Talk AI System offers players an unparalleled role-playing experience.

:tv: Showcase:

:camera_flash: Images

:hammer_and_wrench: How to Install:

Follow the documentation

  • Purchase the Script: Available at Serium Scripts on Tebex.
  • Extract the Files: Into your FiveM server’s plugins folder.
  • Configure: Customize settings in the config.lua file.
  • Server Startup: Add start SRM_TalkAI to your server.cfg.
  • Restart the Server: To apply the changes.
  • Verify Installation: Connect to your server and enjoy the new features!

:lock: Note on Encryption:

While the main code is encrypted for security, the configuration file remains open for customization, allowing you to tailor the experience without altering the primary source code.

:shield: Copyright Protection

The “NPC Talk AI System” is a unique and innovative product, protected under copyright law. Purchasing the script grants a license for use within the FiveM context, but does not transfer intellectual property rights. The user acquires the right to use the script on their own FiveM server, but is not authorized to modify, distribute, sell, or create derivative works from the original code.


Code is accessible No.
Subscription-based No.
Lines (approximately) 2000+
Support Yes.

fantastic script <3

1 Like

Hey Guys!

I’m a bit puzzled about that. About three weeks ago, we shared a resource similar to this, but it used speech recognition instead of text input. @SeriumTW mentioned that my script might be violating the terms of service. Initially, I didn’t think so, but then the post was removed by CFX, which led me to believe it might actually be against the rules. Now, just a few weeks later, I see a similar resource being shared here. What’s going on?

We are not talking about the same functioning, however we do not represent SeriumTW but DFDevelopment, this script is a collaboration, we really like your script and we hope you can solve all problems related to it

Thank you for the kind words, but I’m concerned about the fact that @SeriumTW initially pointed out that my script was illegal, and then proceeded to do the exact same thing in his own.

has already requested removal of his post, but also from the answers etc. you have read that it is not illegal since we have not implemented any artificial intelligence but we are only talking about a code where we find the possibility of activating gpt chat as it is present as an option I add the api key

Unlisted until approved by collective

Terms of service violation