[PAİD] Multi Character

Your resource violates our Release Rules & FAQ section, particularly the following :

  • Licensing note: The use of IP lockers or other forms of license authentication is prohibited as the no obfuscation and no remote code rules make this impractical. We understand the need to protect your content from theft, and we will be providing tools to combat such practices in the near future. Until then, you are to abide by the above rules.
  • No obfuscation. Source code may not be obfuscated or minified. At all times must your release include source code. You may include compiled files (i.e. for a C# script) as long as source code is provided.

Once these issues are fixed, please flag this resource and inform the moderators that it has been corrected and they will relist it.

anyone else purchased this but having issues? i keep getting this in my server console that its missing part of the script i need some assistance

[es_extended] [WARNING] Server callback “kcdd-kashacters:GetPlayerData” does not exist. Make sure that the server sided file really is loading, an error in that file might cause it to not load.

I bought a script and my server.lua file is encoded