[PAID] Kilo's Motorcycle Hold Script

Yeah but what is it?

Never mind I just remembered something. I’ll take a look at it later tonight and I’ll let you know if the script works or not when I download directly from keymaster. It probably works but I have to check it because it should work for everyone straight out of the box.

I have pushed an update to escrow that should fix this issue. This time I did test the script in a base ESX server to ensure it works. It turns out the animation we utilize was a custom animation, so I added that to the resource. Thank you again and I am so sorry this was a mistake on my part and I will definitely be more cautious in the future. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.

The link to buy is broken, was this removed?

Thanks for your post. I have just updated the link.

THANK YOU! Its amazing what a small animation can do for emersion

I just paid for the Tackle script but never got the download…

Oh really? Let me check something for you.

The file for my tackle script gets sent to your email by Tebex. Did you receive that email?

No, I keep checking

I actually bought it like 3 times on accident because it wasn’t popping up.

any other ideas or things I can do here?

Yes. My response is awaiting moderation unfortunately and I don’t want to attempt to bypass that system.

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Any luck yet?

Still awaiting approval… Check your emails for the download.

You must be checking the wrong email. If you’re checking the email you entered during or before payment, check the email associated with your Tebex account, and vice versa. It may be in a different email inbox than what you expect.

I use one email for everything and have made multiple Tebex purchases for our server. Can I message you?

Yeah, sure let’s continue this conversation in messages.

Update: Issue has been resolved in the best way we can provide.

This was all my fault. Thanks Kilo for taking the time to get me lined out.

Do u got a discord? Link doesnt work