[PAID] JShopDiseases [ESX]

JShop Diseases is the most realistic and super-optimized script for FiveM that you need on your server! :star2:

:video_game: Main Features
A Wide Variety of Realistic Diseases:
Cough: An annoying throat irritation causing constant coughing.
Stomach: Troublesome digestive problems.
Rash: Skin irritation that won’t stop itching.
Vomit: Nausea that will leave you feeling weak.
Dizzy: Loss of balance and blurry vision.
Covid: Severe respiratory symptoms.
Chickenpox: Itchy and uncomfortable skin condition.
Diarrhea: Serious stomach issues.
Dengue: A dangerous disease with high fever.

Specific Medication:
Each disease has a specific pill that can be configured in the config.lua.
Example: Use molnupiravir to cure Covid or cepacol to relieve a cough.

Disease Prevention:
Wearing masks reduces the probability of contracting diseases like Covid.
Configurable directly in the settings file.

Realistic Effects:
Some diseases increase stress and decrease the player’s hydration levels.
Fully configurable based on your preferences.

Customizable Notifications:
Integrate your favorite notification system (e.g., mythic_notify, okokNotify, etc.) or use the built-in notifications.

Advanced Configuration:
Languages: Customize messages in any language you prefer.
Complete Options: Decide whether diseases affect health, thirst, or stress levels.

:hammer_and_wrench: Maximum Optimization
This script is 100% optimized to avoid causing lag on your server.
Performs periodic checks for diseases and uses resources efficiently.

:open_file_folder: Configurable from config.lua
Personalize every detail of the script from a single file!
Configure probabilities of contracting diseases, notifications, side effects, and more.

:stop_sign: Unmatched Realism
Masks: Players who wear a mask (configured in config.lua) will have a lower chance of getting sick.
Visual and Animation Effects: Each disease comes with realistic animations to enhance immersion.

:pill: List of Medications
Cepacol: Cures coughing.
Gastorin: Relieves stomach aches.
Terrasil: Treats skin rashes.
Pestol: Stops vomiting.
Panadol: Reduces dizziness.
Molnupiravir: Cures Covid.
Acyclovir: Treats chickenpox.
Peptodiarrhea: Relieves diarrhea.
DengueFever: Medication for dengue fever.

:earth_africa: Multi-Language Support
Fully customizable through the config.lua file.
Add messages in any language you like (English, Spanish, French, etc.).

:shopping_cart: What Are You Waiting For?
With JShop Diseases, you’ll take the realism of your FiveM server to the next level. Provide a unique and immersive experience that your players will love.

Medicine Preview

Config Preview

:tada: Don’t miss out! Get the script now and make your server stand out with the most realistic diseases in FiveM!

Preview Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/hVf_y4Xx_OQ?si=zE1If_jP6BXTgD6w
Tebex: https://www.jshop123.com/
Discord: JShop💻🎮

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements interact-sound
Support Yes
1 Like

JShop Diseases Update Changelog
Version: 1.0.2
Release Date: February 3, 2025

fix Bug That The Export Of No Diseases Was Not Working

JShop Diseases Update - Changelog
Version: 1.0.3
Release Date: February 3, 2025

New Features
Ambulance Job - Disease Check Command
Added a new command /checkdiseas for EMS/ambulance job to check a player’s active diseases.
Displays disease names and severity level in a UI notification.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Disease Randomization Issue
Resolved a bug where players would always get the same disease.
Now correctly assigns diseases based on configured probabilities and conditions.
Performance Improvements
Optimized database queries for disease tracking and status updates.
Reduced unnecessary server-side processing to improve overall performance.

JShop Diseases Update - Changelog
Version: 1.0.4
Release Date: February 5, 2025

Changes & Fixes:

  • Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where an infinite notification would spam when a player caught a disease.
  • New Feature:
    • Added a disease check system exclusive to the ambulance job (configurable via the config file).
    • Players with the ambulance job can check a player’s diseases using:
      • The command: /checkdiseases
      • The new export: exports["JShopDiseases"]:CheckPlayerDisease(source)

Thank you to the community for reporting bugs and helping improve the script! :heart:

Let me know if you want any further adjustments! :rocket:

JShop Diseases Update - Changelog
Version: 1.0.5
Release Date: February 10, 2025

Changes & Fixes:
Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where certain disease animations would incorrectly eject players from vehicles.
Improved Notifications: Players will now receive an initial notification upon contracting a disease, followed by a detailed notification specifying the disease after a short delay.
General Fixes & Optimization: Fixed various minor bugs and optimized the code for better performance.
Thanks for the reports and support! :heart: