[PAID] Incapacity to fight (Kampfunfähigkeit)

  • 0.00 ms Performance
  • Script wurde ausführlich getestet
  • Eine UI wird mit einem 2 Minuten Cooldown angezeigt
  • Keine Möglichkeit bei der Kampfunfähigkeit Waffen zu benutzen oder zu schlagen.

Die Kampunfähigkeit beginnt sobald ein Spieler wiederbelebt wurde, es wird eine UI angezeigt Links am Bildschirmrand welche Farblich anpassbar ist. Sobald der Timer ( Aktuell 2 Minuten ) abgelaufen ist. Kann der Spieler wieder an Waffen benutzen oder schlagen.

Das Script wurde umfangreich getestet, und ausschließlich für das ESX Framework verfügbar. Der Timer ist über das Open Source Script änderbar.


  • 0.00 ms Performance
  • Script has been tested extensively
  • A UI is displayed with a 2 minute cooldown
  • No possibility to use weapons or strike while incapacitated.

The combat incapacity begins as soon as a player is revived, a UI is displayed on the left side of the screen which is customizable in color. As soon as the timer (currently 2 minutes) has expired. The player can use weapons or strike again.

The script has been extensively tested and is only available for the ESX Framework. The timer can be changed via the open source script.


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What exactly is here 15$ worth?

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The ChatGPT subscription that the author had to purchase to make this obviously


You don’t have to buy it, others are happy. But you can save yourself this comment.

I didn’t say the script was bad, I just don’t understand the price for such a simple script.

Cool idea and all. Just figure don’t put the code in the description… Anyone with a brain and Chat GPT can pretty much just take that and make the script themself and save $15.

I understand what you mean. This is not the main code. The other code HTML, CSS. JavaScript and the complete server and client lua is still missing.

And that in addition everything is responsive from the html. You can charge 15$ for it.

This is a joke :rofl: Hwos gonna pay 15€ for this