[PAID] House Robbery System (VORP)

RedM House Robbery System
The system operates using the RedM Bucket system. Therefore, houses intended for robbery must be configured, and their coordinates must be set.

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Tebex ($33.04)

:round_pushpin: Advanced House Coordinate System

  • Houses intended for robbery have their coordinates set within the system.
  • Predefined house locations in the Blackwater region are already available.
  • Houses can be configured to be unlimited in number.

:performing_arts: Multiplayer Support

  • Multiple players can rob different houses simultaneously.
  • After committing a robbery, players enter a cooldown period and cannot rob another house until it expires. (Optional)

:male_detective: Dynamic Search Mechanism

  • Players can search specific designated locations within a house.
  • Searching can yield rare items, household goods, or money (configurable).
  • The list of household goods and items is included in the script files.

:loud_sound: Noise & Threat System

  • Moving too fast generates more noise.
  • Excessive noise triggers an aggressive NPC to enter and defend the house.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: House Reset System

  • After being looted, houses reset after a set duration, making them available for robbery again.

:clapper: Animation Support

  • The system includes detailed animations.



:white_check_mark: OneSync
:white_check_mark: ox_lib
:white_check_mark: Vorp-Core
:white_check_mark: Vorp-Inventory

| Code is accessible | No
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | 800+
| Requirements | ox_lib, vorp_core, vorp_inventory
| Support | Yes