[PAID] Hell Gun Attraction






  • Spin the giant bottle :champagne:;
  • Shoot vehicles with Mega Gun :fire:;
  • Control Mega Gun via remote panel :joystick:;
  • Toggle smoke for vehicles with 8 colors :volcano:;
  • Land on special track with distance indicators :railway_track:;

We are selling the script via TEBEX.

*When you buy the script you automatically support FiveM by 15% of the total purchase price.


Эпизод 01_6

Эпизод 01_9


Config = {}

Config.Locale = 'en'

-- Gun
Config.GunCoords = vector3(1959.814, 3319.7, 80.0)
Config.GunRotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 195.0)
Config.GunControlPanelCoords = vector3(1962.544, 3337.375, 79.88483)
Config.GunShootDelay = 10 -- How long will be shoot delay in seconds

-- Smoke
Config.SmokeAvailabilityRange = 250.0 -- How far from Gun smoke can be enabled

-- Bottle
Config.BottleCoords = vector3(1998.489, 3389.91, 48.56981)
Config.BottleSpinTimeMinMax = {10000, 20000} -- minimum 10 seconds, maximum 20 seconds
Config.BottleControlPanelCoords = vector3(2025.8, 3375.934, 45.05112)

-- Vehicles
-- Usage /vrespawn (restricted command, add this command to ace permissions if it doesn't work)
Config.VehicleSpawns = {
        coords = vector3(2020.5720214844, 3396.8676757812, 46.101051330566),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        coords = vector3(2021.3778076172, 3384.1838378906, 46.101058959961),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(2016.0723876953, 3405.8139648438, 46.101093292236),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(2006.8627929688, 3412.3359375, 46.101043701172),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1993.8946533203, 3414.5959472656, 46.101047515869),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1981.7679443359, 3410.1594238281, 46.101062774658),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1975.0805664062, 3400.4333496094, 46.10107421875),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1973.0057373047, 3384.2375488281, 46.101078033447),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1981.3590087891, 3371.9470214844, 46.101062774658),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(1991.9357910156, 3366.0690917969, 46.101051330566),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(2005.0771484375, 3366.8366699219, 46.101058959961),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        coords = vector3(2016.4510498047, 3374.7524414062, 46.101055145264),
        rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
-- Custom cars will be spawned first and after this a random vanila car will be spawned
Config.CustomVehicleHashes = {
    -- GetHashKey("130gs"),
    -- GetHashKey("423n"),

Config.SpawnVehiclesOnScriptStart = true

Config.DebugPoly = false

We made








WHAAAT!! LMAO This is sick.

1 Like

I’m not even really sure what I watched, could you give a better preview video and show us the whole thing through and through, and is the $30 USD pricetag a typo or :unamused:

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could you give a better preview video and show us the whole thing through and through,

Here the video with this script (with different gun skin), it has very detailed overview:

$30 USD pricetag a typo or

This is not a typo.

looks fun but $30…

does it kill the player in the end after being shot from it ??? could be used to allow criminals a 2nd chance… haha after getting a court date… haha

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Thanks! We are thinking to make a new video showcase and/or post description with detailed overview of work we done. In general, this work includes next things:

  1. Gun model and yellow platform;
  2. The script for shooting object from gun, it can shoot vehicles as well as other physical objects;
  3. Bottle model and pizza platform;
  4. Bottle spin script;
  5. Smoke-trace script;
  6. Landing track with colored panels which are also modeled by us;
  7. Mapping around;

The work we done is huge and maybe the real name for this release shoud be Mega Pack, therefor in next releases we thinking to sell everything separatly. I hope this is clearifed why we put such price tag.

Yes, it does. By the way, you came up with pretty unusual use case for Role Play, I like it :grin:

Unreal, Will definitely be looking in to purchasing this! For my own fun haha

1 Like

Thanks! This feels like FlatOut game, you will not regret :grin:

Hello. Did you know why the Props didnt load? I bought it right now

Hello, thanks for buying this script! You would need to enforce game build:

set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189

Tigergeist: It works! Thanks. I also changed the game build back to normal and its still working :slight_smile:


A coupon for 10 USD applied to :fire:mega-gun available till the end of week: M5Z2-BQ44-8T6G

1 Like

I can’t see the car come out when I fire the gun

okay i’m fixed it

From now 2 versions of the script are available in our store:

Open source version - all code is available for editions:

Encrypted version - code is partly available (50% discount):

Optimization Update

Mega-gun now is more optimized. When you are not near the place it will take ~0.00-0.01% CPU usage.

Fixed issue with missing textures.

You can get new version from https://keymaster.fivem.net/assets

Quality Update

  • Added delay before shot / countdown.
  • Blips moved into separate non-encrypted file client/c_blips.lua by request

Tebex: Source Available | Encrypted

We’re cooking new release, like hell gun, but more advanced. Available in September (likely next week)!


