[PAID] [ESX/QBCore/Any framework] high-phone | Truly the best looking phone!

great work man!

create vrp version, please. i need buy this!

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Looks insane, actually a phone worth its money :smiley:


Will be adding qbcore and vrp framework support soon!

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Encrypted or no?

What about photos sent to Twitter? Right now I have it setup where pics you take in game with the phone on Twitter are sent to a Discord channel.

Also would I be able to create my own app on the phone such as like Instagram? Where I could use that instead of pictures from the game and have Twitter be just tweets?

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Gallery is very simple to setup with imgur, its an awesome alternative to sending photos to webhooks.
It is possible to add apps, but I’ve not written the API documentation yet, but it’ll be soon possible.


Yes it does use escrow resource encryption

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Gotcha so no pics would be sent that are uploaded to Twitter? only comments? I look forward to see the development with this as it looks awesome. Good work.


No yellow pages or advertising app ?

Oh you mean like sending taken photos to twitter? Will be added soon.


No, at the moment twitter only

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is there a plan to add it later ?

Many various apps will get added in the future, so this will possibly get added too in the future

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What other apps are you planning

Sounds good. I think once that’s done I can make the transition… As of now we have a pretty large of pics being sent through Twitter to Discord. Also just something to consider that might make your phone dominate all the others…group messaging.

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Phone got a huge update! You can now modify framework functions to your own framework’s functions! This includes QBCore, VRP and all other frameworks that have the required functions!

A tutorial in documentation on how to make the phone compatible with QBCore or VRP is coming soon!

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Garage app, billing screen for the bank app and some other suggested apps.


should make a dark chat app like telegram for crims and shit too

What is the frontend written in? Vue? React? Something else?

How much of the lua files are encrypted? What kind of limits would we have working with this?

Front end is written in native js for easier editing, all LUA files are encrypted except the config files. These allow you to modify a lot, for example make it work with any framework.

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