:computer: UPDATE 1.0.8

[+] Added config.translation.lua file with new language DE thanks to help from VMS Translators Team (moved Config.Translate & Config.Lang here from config.lua file)
[+] Added to each tattoo shop variable “categories”, in them you can set available categories with tattoos for individual tattoo studios
[+] Added to translation.js - translate.header_tattoo & translate.header_shop
[/] Moved Config.TattooList to config.tattoos.lua file
[+] Added Config.TattoosCameras with defined cameras positions, you can still use values not defined in Config.TattoosCameras a as coordinates in table
[+] Changed in each tattoo from nameHash to nameHashMale and added nameHashFemale
[-] Removed forFemaleAlso and replaced it with nameHashFemale
[+] Added a lot of new tattoos from new DLCs (Thanks @Cantarelle)
[+] Added Config.AutoExecuteQuery - will automatically add the ‘tattoos’ column to your ESX: users / QB-Core: players table if it doesn’t already exist
[+] Added Config.UseQSInventory & Config.QSInventoryName to compatibility with qs-inventory clothing system
[/] Changed the preview of tattoos - from now on the eye icon is not removed, due to the fact that the player when he has many tattoos and selects tattoos later may have a problem to check which tattoo he now selects, now you can refresh the check of a specific tattoo by clicking on the darker eye again
[/] Fixed loading of tattoos after script restart for a player who is currently already on the server
[+] Added Config.EnableTattooingAudioEffect - adds tattoo machine audio effect
[/] Fixed any complications with camera and position synchronization for players (employee and client)

Love the script just wish there was a doc that went with is that had all the tattoo’s listed by category almost like a book to show customers so you do not have to go thru all the tats while the client is in the chair they can just pick then out of a book.

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Thank you, it would be a lot of work, if you type “gta5 tattoos” in the browser you will pop up sites that have already done something like this

I lot of work is an understatement Here you go your welcome!

oh, I admire, it really must have taken you a while to list them all and to take pictures for them

:computer: UPDATE 1.0.9

[/] Fixed bug with removing tattoo without money
[/] Fixed an issue for QB-Core with loading charinfo after restarting the script
[+] Added new languages CZ, FR, ES to config.translation.lua file thanks to help from VMS Translators Team

:computer: UPDATE 1.1.0

[+] Support for target system - Config.UseTarget, Config.TargetResource, Config.Target
[+] Added a special prepared tattoo chair object for the ability to spawn in tattooshop that does not have a reclining chair - Config.SeatObject, Config.SeatSpawnsList
[+] Added tattooshops on Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay to Config.Tattooshops
[/] Adjusted scaling for 21:9 monitor format

so i jus purchase this and somehow i received the 1.0.9 version instead of the updated version which is 1.1.1…any way i can receive the updated version?