[PAID][ESX/QB] Camping Script

UPDATE - v0.0.5

  • Fixed problem where some objects were more visible in dark.
  • Possiility to place objects onto each other.
  • Removed the possiility for players to take out weapons in tents.
  • Fixed objects duplicating upon using /forcelog, /logout with some multicharacters.
  • Fixed turning off npc shop.

Very nice!

UPDATE - v0.0.6

  • Added auto-detection feature for setting up supported resources such as inventories, menus, frameworks etc, making the installation process even easier!

🗎 Edited Files:


Do we have the ability to add items the you can place down to this script?.

Hello, yes you do through script config. Here is a tutorial how to add new items to place on ground - here.

UPDATE - v0.0.7

  • Fixed problem where sometimes objects jumped in preview while placing them.
  • Added functions which are called after entering or exiting shower, tent and sleepingbag.
  • Added the possibility to pick amount to purchase in npc store.
  • Added the possibility to add a codelock to your tent or cooler - Showcase.

🗎 Edited Files:

replace everything and add the following into your db:

ALTER TABLE camping_objects 
AFTER item;
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