[Paid][ESX][QB]710-PoliceJob - UNLIMITED Departments!

Yeah QBCore likes to do big breaking updates quite offten that messes up people’s whole servers that’s why I put together 710-lib so people can update / downgrade stuff to their versions of qbcore.

Is it okay if I don’t use ox_inventory because I already have inventory?

You might be able to but I dont support any inventories besides the ones listed in the dependencies above.

Do you plan on bringing your website back?

I think it just went down like an hour ago I just woke up I’ll check it out

Its back up now sorry bout that.

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excuse me, will this work with bt-target? some of our scripts work only with him

It might, but qtarget is updated and optimized so it would most likely be better just to update to qtarget

Tried to install this script… but somewhere i fail hope u can help me.

i can type /setscheifofpolice (ID) and nothing happen, other than my console goes.

[script:710-PoliceJob] Perms are goood!
[script:710-PoliceJob] 1
[script:710-PoliceJob] --------------___________________----------------------
[script:710-PoliceJob] 50
[script:710-PoliceJob] table: 00000234474A48C0

then i type : /setpolice

console goes

[script:710-PoliceJob] I tried to set ranks!
[script:710-PoliceJob] Made it this far?
[script:710-PoliceJob] true

my f8 goes

but thats it. nothing happens.

I have job : police rank 5

Can this be set up to use MF inventory?

Well thats cause you dont have one of the dependencies listed in the readme/docs 710-input or qb-input is required for the script to work and that error tells you that you dont have the resource its trying to call.

It might be able to I wouldnt know as I dont have that inventory nor plan on getting it since all MF stuff is remote loaded code I dont know how they havent been forced to use escrow yet but Ill never put remote loading code on any of my machines.

got it working. thanks… one thing tho… whenever i try to do fingerprint on someone i get this in console

Yeah in the config you have debug prints turned on.

Does this work with the default evidence system?

There is no default evidence system in any framework that im aware of?

I’m sorry, I mean the evidence within qb-policejob.

They dont have evidence? They have lockers that you can put evidence in this script also has that but qbcore has no working evidence system at all

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website is down

agreed, having issues trying to install the stuff due to it