[PAID][ESX/QB] Lester Mission & Heists

New UI

New UI Showcase

Showcase (Old UI)

Tebex | ESX, QB (with New UI)

  • Detailed & Easy Config
  • Clean & Futuristic UI
  • Do with Friends
  • Sync with players
  • Including item images.
  • Camera System
  • Discord Log & Open Source
  • UI & Context Screenshot
  • Target & Drawtext Screenshot
  • 0.01 ms at idle. Screenshot

Go to Lester to do illegal quests, he will give you 3 options!

  • I. CAR HJACKING; When you choose the mission, Lester will give you a lockpick. You must steal the car at the posted location! You should pay attention to the guards, you will take vehicle back to Lester.
  • II. PLANE HJACKING; When you choose the mission, Lester will give you a fake ID Card. You will enter the airport with a fake ID Card and steal the plane from the hangar, but beware of the guards. deliver the plane to the GPS location.
  • III. RAID PLACE; When you choose the mission, Lester will give you a lockpick. Go to the place lockpick the door and get inside steal the drugs but beware of the guards. deliver drugs to gps location
LVS = {}
local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

RegisterNetEvent('police:SetCopCount', function(amount)
    CurrentCops = amount

LVS.WebHook = ''                                               -- Discord Webhook Url 
LVS.UseBlip = true                                             -- true; Blip on, false; Blip off. (Edit client/9-19)
LVS.UseTarget = true                                           -- true; need target, false; drawtext
LVS.TargetExport = 'qb-target'                                 -- Your Target Export Name

LVS.Missions = {
	RequiredPoliceCount = 0,                                   -- Required Police Count
	PoliceJob = 'police',                                      -- Police Job Name
	Lester = {x = 705.967, y= -966.64, z= 29.4128, h= 325.34}, -- Lester & Starting Location
	MinPrize = 40000,                                          -- Minimum Black Money Prize Count
	MaxPrize = 50000,                                          -- Maximum Black Money Prize Count
	Raid = {
		Required = {
			Lockpick = 'lockpick',                             -- Lockpick Item Name
		Reward = {
			BlackMoney = 'markedbills',                        -- Black Money Item Name
			Meth = 'meth',                                     -- Meth Item Name
			Coke = 'coke_brick',                               -- Cocain Item Name
			Weed = 'weed_brick',                               -- Weed Item Name
		Guards = {
			{pos = {-607.38, -1627.8, 26.0108, 247.32}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-617.67, -1623.5, 32.0105, 68.3}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-606.89, -1630.8, 26.0108, 316.64}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-602.01, -1603.3, 29.4052, 162.14}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-596.81, -1611.9, 26.0233, 78.78}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-589.01, -1610.4, 26.0875, 77.14}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-590.03, -1602.9, 26.0108, 131.06}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-571.82, -1601.2, 26.0108, 99.19}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-562.91, -1616.5, 26.0108, 346.25}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-560.19, -1612.1, 26.0108, 354.17}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-562.25, -1628.1, 32.0055, 3.2}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-572.97, -1623.5, 32.0106, 179.33}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-585.02, -1622.7, 32.0105, 240.26}, ped = 'a_m_m_mlcrisis_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-591.16, -1628.2, 32.0576, 268.21}, ped = 'a_m_m_mlcrisis_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-605.16, -1633.2, 32.0341, 1.62}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-611.59, -1627.9, 32.0105, 261.8}, ped = 'a_m_m_mlcrisis_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-621.58, -1632.8, 32.0341, 288.0}, ped = 'a_m_m_mlcrisis_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
	Vehicle = {
		Required = {
			Lockpick = 'lockpick',                             -- Lockpick Item Name
		Reward = {
			BlackMoney = 'markedbills',                        -- Black Money Item Name
		Guards = {
			{pos = {2010.20, 3845.21, 35.2815, 124.04}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {2014.15, 3839.38, 35.2519, 105.18}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {2003.54, 3854.80, 35.2867, 137.43}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {1977.47, 3815.07, 32.4262, 331.17}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {1990.25, 3820.65, 31.3403, 75.01}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
	Plane = {
		Required = {
			IDCard = 'security_card_02',                       -- Id Card Item Name
		Reward = {
			BlackMoney = 'markedbills',                        -- Black Money Item Name
		Guards = {
			{pos = {-1014.4, -3022.1, 12.9450, 322.85}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-999.46, -3030.4, 12.9450, 350.6}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-974.66, -3036.1, 12.9450, 28.22}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-961.34, -3020.2, 12.9450, 43.77}, ped = 'g_m_y_famfor_01', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-942.33, -3012.7, 18.8400, 62.05}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-949.31, -2988.6, 12.9450, 70.43}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-928.17, -2989.3, 18.8453, 73.19}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-942.24, -2964.0, 18.8453, 107.4}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},
			{pos = {-955.87, -2959.9, 12.9450, 87.15}, ped = 'csb_ramp_gang', weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', armour = 100},

LVS.Lang = {
	['lester'] = '~g~Lester~s~',
	['görev_seç'] = "Select Missions",
	['uçak'] = 'Plane Hijacking',
	['uçak_bilgi'] = 'Enter the Airport, Miss the Plane',
	['uçak_lester'] = ' Enter the Airport with a Fake ID Card, Miss the Plane From the Hangar ',
	['uçak_giriş'] = 'You Can Pass The Airport',
	['uçak_kaçır'] = 'The Plane Is In The Hangar, Miss It And Take It to The Airport!',
    ['uçak_kimlik'] = '~g~E~s~ - Show ID Card',
	['uçak_kimlikT'] = 'Show ID Card',
    ['mekan'] = 'Place Raid',
	['mekan_bilgi'] = 'Raid the Place, Steal the Drugs',
	['mekan_lester'] = ' Raid The Place, Dont Forget To Take The Drugs! ',
	['mekan_kapı'] = 'This Door Is Too Heavy, Try Pushing It!',
	['mekan_drug'] = '~g~H~s~ - Steal Drugs',
	['mekan_drugT'] = 'Steal Drugs',
	['mekan_drugs'] = 'Taking Drugs',
	['mekan_patlat'] = '~g~E~s~ - Blast the Door',
	['mekan_çıkış'] = 'Vehicle Await You Outside',
	['mekan_teslim'] = 'Deliver Drugs to Location on GPS',
	['arac'] = 'Vehicle Hijacking',
	['arac_bilgi'] = 'Kill Guards, Hijack Vehicle',
	['arac_lester'] = ' Steal the Gburrito! ',
	['araç_garaj'] = 'Garage Opening',
	['arac_teslim'] = 'Bring the Car to Location!',
	['arac_çıkış'] = 'The Guards Spotted You, Be Careful!',
	['lockpick'] = '~g~H~s~ - Lockpick',
	['lockpickT'] = 'Lockpick',
	['lockpick2'] = '~g~E~s~ - Lockpick',
    ['lockpicking'] = "Lock Breaking",
	['kimlik_yok'] = 'You Dont have an ID Card',
	['lockpick_yok'] = 'You Dont have a Lockpick',
	['polis_lazim'] = 'Not Enough Police in the City',
	['konum'] = 'Location Marked to GPS',
	['dolu'] = 'You are Full',
	['ödül'] = "Congratulations! You Made Black Money",
	['yetersiz_ilac'] = "You didnt Get a Reward for not Bringing Enough Drugs",
	['wait'] = 'You have to Wait',
	['wait2'] = 'Minute to get the Mission',
	['mission_passed'] = '~y~mission passed'

AddEventHandler('lvs_lester:bildirim', function(msg, type)
	TriggerEvent("QBCore:Notify", msg, type, 5000)             -- Your Notification Event

function LVS.HasItem(items, amount)
    return QBCore.Functions.HasItem(items, amount)

-- FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT : https://discord.gg/MVp2DHKr65 , ! Onur#0443
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 870
Requirements mythic_progbar
Support Yes
  • updated 21.09.2022
  • updated 22.09.2022
  • updated 30.09.2022
  • updated 05.10.2022 | Notification Fix
  • updated 08.10.2022

Qbus version is now on sale :cowboy_hat_face:

  • Config added to post
  • updated 08.10.2022 | Config