[PAID] [ESX] Bitshift Hud


With the Bitshift Hud you can offer your players a completely new experience. You can hide or move distracting elements in the hud to optimize the gaming experience. Streamers have the ability to customize the Hud to their stream overlay. The Hud also offers a variety of features.


  • Notify (3 different types)
  • :salt:ychat & PMA voice support
  • Announce (Command, Restart and TxAdmin)
  • Chat
  • Food & Drink
  • Voicechat options (Radio, Radius, Mute, TeamSpeak & Saltycricle)
  • PressE
  • Progressbar
  • Speedo (fuel gauge, engine, lock status & seatbelt)
  • Teamchat
  • Cash and black money display
  • Logo and server name
  • Time
  • Hud Settings (Change positions and toggle elements)


config = {}
config.esxExport = true
config.esxEvent = "esx:getSharedObject"
config.ESX11 = true --used for money checking

config.serverName = "Bitshift"
config.serverType = "ROLEPLAY"

config.colors = {
    ["main"] = "#018f63",
    ["food"] = "#006849",
    ["ammo"] = "#018f63",
    ["accent"] = "#009a6c",
    ["accent2"] = "#00492f",
    ["speedo"] = "#00825b",
    ["chat"] = "#00492f",
    ["announce"] = "#006245",
    ["progress"] = "#006245",

config.saltycircle = {r = 0, g = 82, b = 52, a = 255}

config.notifyColors = {
    ["error"] = { r = 170, g = 0, b = 0 },
    ["warning"] = { r = 163, g = 189, b = 0 },
    ["success"] = { r = 0, g = 154, b = 108 },
    ["info"] = { r = 163, g = 189, b = 0 },
    ["notify"] = { r = 163, g = 189, b = 0 },

config.elements = {
    ["speedo"] = true,
    ["money"] = true,
    ["stats"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,

config.defaultSettings = {
    ["speedo"] = true,
    ["money"] = true,
    ["stats"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,

config.moveable = {
    ["speedo"] = true,
    ["money"] = true,
    ["stats"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,

config.micColors = { --■■■■■■■■■ mic colors
    [-1] = "#BB0000", -- nicht mit dem plugin verbudnen
    [0] = '#a2a2a2', -- nicht mit dem plugin verbudnen
    [1] = '#D17017', -- mit dem plugin verbunden
    [2] = '#a2a2a2', -- im ingame channel
    [3] = '#A3BD00', -- in einem swiss channel

config.enableChat = true

config.usingPMA = false
config.pmaColors = {
    ["normal"] = "#ffffff",
    ["radio"] = "#ff0000",

config.kinoBalken = 0.35 -- 0.35 = 35% vom Bildschirm oben und unten
config.kinoCMD ="kino"

config.lockColors = {
    [0] = "#006849", -- unlocked
    [1] = "#006849", -- unlocked
    [2] = "#D10E00", -- locked
    [3] = "#D10E00", -- locked
    [4] = "#D10E00", -- locked
    [7] = "#D10E00", -- locked
    [8] = "#D10E00", -- locked
    [10] = "#D10E00" -- locked

config.engineColors = {
    [0] = "#D10E00", -- engine broken
    [1] = "#E3E300", -- engine damaged
    [2] = "#006849" -- engine normal

config.seatbeltColors = {
    [0] = "#FFFFFF", -- off
    [1] = "#006849" -- on

config.seatbeltKey = 47
config.fixedSeatbelt = true -- disable exiting vehicle while seatbelt is on

config.speedoSync = 1 --speedometer will refresh ever x ms

config.sperrzoneCMD = 'sperrzone'
config.sperrzoneTimeout = 5 * 1000 --60s in ms

config.sperrzonen = { --Sperrzonen prefixes
    ["police"] = "LSPD:",
    ["ambulance"] = "EMS:",
    ["mechanic"] = "Mechanic:",

config.sperrzonenJobs = { --Sperrzonen jobs

config.minSperrzone = 5 --minimale Größe einer Sperrzone
config.maxSperrzone = 100 --maximale Größe einer Sperrzone
config.SperrzoneReason = true --Sperrzonen Grund benötigt?
config.quickZone = { --Schnelles erstellen einer sperrzone
    enabled = true,
    command = true, -- /quickzone command
    radius = 45

config.teamchatCMD = "tc"

config.teamchat = {

config.announce = {

config.announceTimeout = 5000 --ms

config.txAdminAnnounces = true
config.txAdminRestart = "Der Server startet in %s Minuten neu!"
config.txAdminRestartSkipped = "Der anstehende Restart wurde abgebrochen!"

config.txAdminBanAnnounces = true
config.txAdminBan = "Der Spieler ${targetName} wurde von ${author} wegen '${reason}' bis ${time} gebannt"
config.txAdminBanPerm = "Der Spieler ${targetName} wurde von ${author} wegen '${reason}' permanent gebannt"

config.txAdminKickAnnounces = true
config.txAdminKick = "Der Spieler ${targetName} wurde von ${author} wegen '${reason}' gekickt"

config.txAdminDMAnnounces = true
config.txAdminDM = "Direktnachricht - ${author}"

config.teamchatTitle = "TEAM | ${name} - ID ${id}" --name, id
config.teamchatTimeout = 5000 --ms

config.customNotifySound = true --false heißt der default bling sound
config.customSounds = {
    ["notify"] = "soundx",
    ["error"] = "soundx",
    ["warning"] = "soundx",
    ["info"] = "soundx",
    ["success"] = "soundx",
    ["announce"] = "soundx",
    ["teamchat"] = "soundx",

config.lang = {
    ["noSperrzone"] = 'Du hast keine Berechtigung, Sperrzonen zu erstellen!',
    ["sizeSperrzone"] = 'Bitte gib eine Größe von ${min} - ${max} an!'


All triggers from the Hud are available in the config.


Preview (Youtube)
Buy (Tebex)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes

With pma-voice would be nice!

Our hud supports pma voice, there are config options. I also edited the features list^^

You mind to do an qb Version?

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Isnt planned yet.

But I will let u know if we have it :smiley:

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